
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stuff - and a little giveaway

I took my medallion to class yesterday afternoon to show Eileen. She made a great suggestion for the quilting that I'll be able to do very easily on my longarm. As soon as she mentioned it I remembered reading about it in the last lesson we received. It's a bit tricky to describe so I won't try - but now that I know what to do I'm going to load the quilt onto the machine as soon as I get fabric for the backing. I'm really excited to get it finished.

Some of you may remember that I've cut my left index finger twice with a rotary cutter, the first time so bad I needed stitches. I got myself a "Klutz" glove to protest that hand. It was too big, so yesterday I picked up a smaller on. This leaves me with a "medium" glove that I don't need. If anyone out in blogland would like this glove leave me a comment and I'll send it to you. If there are more than one of you who'd like it I'll draw names. I'd like to send it out by the beginning of next week, so if you are interested leave me a comment right away.


  1. Hi Patti,
    When I took my very first quilting class, I wondered why band-aids were on the supply list. I learned why quickly. I would love to try the Klutz glove. Thanks,

  2. Sorry to hear about your cuts, Patti! While I haven't had any mishaps (thank God!), my daughter is becoming more interested in quilting and wants to start rotary cutting. She's 13 - and, so far, I've been doing all the cutting - or she's been using my good scissors. Please consider us for your spare glove!

  3. I haven't cut myself(yet) but one of my granddaughter's friends came to try sewing and the first thing she did was cut her finger so she had to get stitches. I'd like a glove so I won't be next, so please put me on your list. I'll be watching to see how you quilt that beautiful medallion quilt.

  4. I do remember your cutting your fingers. The one and only time I did that was my first day of work at the quilt shop. Man did that hurt.

  5. sorry about your injuries !!Vero

  6. I hate cutting myself! Add me to the entry list. Thanks!

  7. Ouch! I could really use that glove. I cut myself two weeks ago, right through the top of my left pinkie. The nail was cut too. It took days for the bleeding to stop if I took pressure off of the cut and I'm going to lose the nail - yuck.

  8. Sorry to hear about your cuts! I've knicked myself a couple of times. I would love that glove!

  9. I am SO SO SO pleased you are going to quilt it!!!! You just couldn't leave it! I would have been so disappointed! Can't wait to see what Eileen suggested.

  10. Patti, I must admit that reading about all these rotary cutter mishaps has left me a little queasy. I've wanted one of those gloves for a long time. Because of my MS, I'm always in peril of shaving a digit. Just one question ~ Can they be used on either hand?

  11. Patti
    I have never heard of the klutz glove, sounds interesting, as klutz is my middle name, I am sure of it!
    I have never nicked myself, but I have shaved a fingernail once or twice! and they aren't that long!


  12. Well, I qualify! I'm a Klutz and I cut myself once....thanks for sharing.
