
Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to working on UFO's

I had a marvelous time with Joseph yesterday - and came home tired with lots of aching muscles. It's been over 30 years since I spent all day keeping up with a little one! Crawling around on the floor with him was great fun - he is such a happy, contented little guy - but sure didn't do my sore knees and shoulder any good LOL! I loaded up with Tylenol PM last night and slept a good 9+ hours. It's a good thing I'm doing this only twice a week. Should help me get into shape. He is in the process of adjusting to his parents going back to work, and nap times seem to be suffering the most. His morning nap was all of 15 minutes instead of the usual 1-2 hours, and was taken under great protest. His afternoon nap didn't start until 2:30, and was also protested violently. So he was still sound asleep when his daddy got back home at 3:30 all ready to play. Hopefully by the time I'm there next Tuesday that will be all worked out.
Today I've designated as pre-1830's medallion day. This was the first class I took with Eileen Trestain. I kept up well for the first several classes and then life intruded. I've done nothing on the project since October 2006. There are only a couple borders left, and the last one is just fabric strips, so I hope to have a finished top in the next few days. As it's now too big for the design wall in my sewing room - the bottom of which is blocked by my ironing board - I'm finally having a chance to test the gift I received from my hubby last Christmas. This is Cheryl Ann's portable design wall - what a great invention! I had to set it up in the living room in order to have space to step back to look at my progress, and the living room is at the opposite end of the house from my sewing room. Oh well, I can really use the exercise LOL!

1. Sunshine and warmth today
2. Grape hyacinths blooming all over the yard
3. Red and yellow tulips opening to the warmth of the sun
4. The smell of freshly brewed coffee
5. Happy grandchildren


  1. Wow, that quilt will be stunning! Don't you just love the portable design wall? I have the same one, and I love it! Your baby Jane blocks are really pretty. I just started mine today, and I can already tell getting addicted is very easy!!

  2. Wow, Love that quilt! Isn't funny how sometimes life does get in the way, but creating quilts always brings us back! Hugs, Mary

  3. I am so happy to see your working on this quilt again
    OH how I LOVE this one...
    may just have to start something like this :)
    very inspiring to me.

    Glad to hear you and Joseph got along so well.
    put him in the stroller and take a long walk, bet he will sleep and you can get some excercise!

  4. Being a grandma takes some muscles!! LOL. glad you had a good day with Joseph.

  5. What a beautiful quilt this will be Patti :)

    Grandmumming is really hard work! My parents are looking after my FOUR nephews (range from 2.5 to nearly 8) for three weekends in a row and it's nearly killing them. They love it though...after about three days' recovery time!! LOL

  6. your quilt is going to look fantastic (well it already is fantastic LOL)
    I love the portable design wall.. I dont have a space for a design wall, and I dont have a sewing room, this would be perfect for me!

    have a wonderful weekend!


  7. I bet you smile every time you think about your sore muscles *s*
