
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Whoops - forgot some!

I've already had to edit my sidebar. I completely forgot to add Bonnie's Carolina Crossroads to my list of unfinished tops. Call it selective memory I guess - I swore I wouldn't start another project so I conveniently forgot I did. That will never do - nothing but total honesty here LOL! I see she has published the fourth step. I guess that will be my project for tomorrow!

I also forgot to add my Crumb Chaos blocks - all 1016 of them! I had them listed in my "scrap projects" section before, which I've eliminated. Instead I've created a new list called "Projects Started in 2008". So I've now listed them with the unfinished tops. A bit misleading however, as I listed them as only one project. In truth they will probably turn into at least 5-6 projects or more. Time will tell!


  1. I am still working on step 2 of Bonnies mystery!!!
    maybe today I will finally get to sew.

  2. You are very brave listing all those flimsies and UFOs. I resist making goals at this time of the year, as I just get disappointed in December!

  3. I can't believe your list of UFO's- I have many myself, but yours would paralyze me entirely. I know you will make huge progress on them this year, and I'll be watching and gathering inspiration while I try to reduce my own projects.

  4. I still have to pull out all the WIPs and get them organized, I love lists and crossing them off!

  5. Congratulations on your upcoming life redirection - since we all know there won't be much retiring in your future! Happy New Year.

  6. Yeah, I tried to update my list this weekend, but the more I think about it, the longer it gets!

  7. 1016 CRUMB BLOCKS!! Wow - that's a lot! What patterns do you have in mind???

    Good list - sounds like every one of them is a keeper!
