
Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 Wrap-up

I decided to stop kidding myself. I'm sure I'll do some type of quilting in the next couple days, but I'm not going to finish any more UFT's or quilt any more flimsies. So now is as good a time as any to evaluate my accomplishments of 2007.

I started the year with four goals. I decided early on there was no way I'd accomplish the fourth goal - to use more fabric during the year than I bought - so I erased that one.

I finished Sophie's quilt and Joseph's quilt top. I didn't pressure myself to quilt Joseph's quilt because as the year progressed the date of his arrival was pushed farther and father back. Now we are hoping for the end of January, though early February is probably more realistic.

I started 2007 with 21 unfinished tops. I'm ending the year with 18 unfinished tops. That doesn't sound like a lot of progress, but when I consider that I finished nine tops during the year, including all but one of the new tops I started, I think I did OK. The only new top that I didn't finish is the mid-century Album quilt, which I never expected to finish as the class goes through next March. I admit that for the most part I still have the same unfinished tops that have been hanging around for years. Next year I'll have lots more time to sew so hopefully that will change.

I started this year with 41 unquilted flimsies and now have 34. I finished several flimsies that have been hanging around for quite a few years as well as a few that were started and finished this year. I added only four new flimsies to the list that are still unquilted. I feel really good about this goal

So . . . . I accomplished my goal of decreasing my number of both unfinished tops and flimsies. The drop in number is less that I'd have liked, but since I completed quite a few quilts from start to finish this year - something I didn't expect to do - I can live with it.

Now bring on 2008 and retirement - I hope to get WAY more done this next year!


  1. Are you down to just one more working day - the 31st? I envy you in your retirement. My parents tell me they are busier since being retired than when they were working. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get through that to be finished pile as quickly as you would like in retirement! :)

  2. oh this next year is going to be so exciting looking forward to us keeping each other inspired!

  3. As long as you go down in number is all that matters!!!! :) I had to laugh when I read that you had 34 unquilted flimsies! At last count I had 69!!! Yes, 69!!! I think I'm losing the battle!!! I plan on purchasing a mid-arm quilting machine in a few months so hopefully, I will get some of them quilted. But I always try to have one that I am working on that is handquilted.

  4. How exciting to be so close to retirement. I hope you get as much done as you hope to get done.

  5. Congratulations on your UFO progress, and best wishes for your retirement!

  6. You did great...and now with being a retired person (like me, and loving it) you'll get tons done. Although I do wonder where the time goes. It still seems to fly!

  7. You did great and I love how you have everything listed. Congratulations on the 2007 accomplishments and good luck with 2008.

  8. I bet that now with days all to yourself we will have to watch your dust! Happy Retirement Patti!

  9. Enjoy your retirement! I wish I could retire...this little vacation I have taken over the holidays is surely making it hard to go back to the day job on Wednesday. I think you made great progress on your projects. Nine finished quilts is awesome!

  10. Looks like you've achieved quite a lot this year. With your retirement starting they'll be no stopping you :)
