
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The rest of the story . . . .

Right after I was hit, I jumped out of the vehicle and so did the driver of the car in front of me - another CRV but a slightly older model. It was a boy with long curly blond hair of about 18 or 19. When I asked him why he didn't look behind him and just backed straight into me, he replied in a very vague, dreamy voice, "I'm just so sorry mam, I just so very tired, so very tired, so very sorry." I asked him why his friend wasn't driving if he was so tired, and he replied she couldn't. As I was inspecting the front of my vehicle to determine the damage I looked up to say something else to him - to see him getting in his vehicle and driving off. It happened so fast I could get even part of a license plate.
I wasn't hurt at all - just very, very angry. I reported the accident to the police and the insurance company. Thank goodness for a lower deductible due to hit and run - just $100. It's taken them 15 days to get it fixed because of all the things that were damaged. Luckily no frame damage - just hood, radiator, air conditioner, bumper, and other stuff. Almost $4000 for repairs. My guess is he drove off because he was either uninsured or was driving his parents vehicle without their permission - or maybe both. It'll be so nice to have my "Blue" back. I've been driving Fred's truck - a stick shift. Luckily school is out, so he's been able to ride his bike everywhere he's needed to go.

Now for the pictures. These are very sobering, I think. Should be a cure for wanting to shop for awhile. I sure got my workout moving all this stuff. It looks like way more this way - spread all over the living room and dining room. I've put sheets over all the fabric near the window to protect against fading. I think I'm going to be doing handwork these next few days if I want to sew. Should have lots of time to catch up on my blog reading also.

To be continued . . . .


  1. Oh, this reminds me of remodeling my sewing room a few years ago. It was a lot of work but so worth it! I replaced carpet so everything had to come out. I FILLED the living room, guest bedroom and the back porch. Putting it all back was fun though!

  2. It is overwhelming now, but how wonderful to put back only what you want, and to get rid of the stuff that hides what you want!

  3. OMG - you have so much stuff. I can't believe the size of the pile of blue fabric you have on the table ! I seriously need to build up my stash in order to compete - lol !Bet you can't wait to get it back in order. Amazing pile of mile a minute blocks too !

  4. This is just so much fun...I can't wait to see it all come together.

  5. I just finished looking at the pictures of all your stuff and can I say....I want to be you when I grow up!!!!!!!! hahahaha Don't cha' just love "stuff"!!

  6. I wish I was there to help you, Patti. However, I would probably get distracted and want to play with all the fabric - guess I wouldn't be much help. LOL

    I'm glad you weren't hurt when your hit and run driver attacked!
    I know you're happy to have 'Blue' back.

    I can't wait for the next chapter in the Saga of the New Sewing Room

  7. When it's all considered how long you've been a quilter, it doesn't really seem that much at all. A girl's gotta have a stash to work with and I think you have what we all aspire to *s*
    So glad you were unhurt in the accident - personal safety first and now that you have Blue back you can be back on the streets.

  8. First, I'm sorry to hear about the truck. I suppose the young man was scared and that's why he took off.

    You have a nice room to work with. I can't wait to see how your IKEA trip goes tomorrow. I'm staying tuned.

  9. Patti, I am so very sorry about your car! I'm glad you weren't hurt, and I totally understand your anger. I've been in that situation myself - it's so frustrating, and there's nothing you can do about it.
    On the happy side, I think your "sobering" photos are mahvelous, dahling!! You have fabric on BOLTS!!! I am drooling right now!! Sorry, I can't help it!

  10. Patti - So sorry to hear about your accident and the damages to your car, but at least you were not hurt.

    Wow, girlfriend, you sure do have a LOT of fabric. Carrying all that fabric was like a 6-month membership at a gym!!! (he-he)

  11. First I am sorry to hear abou the accident... and oohh I see that you have so much interesting fabrics :-)

  12. i cant wait to see your new set up ,it is like christmas when you get all new stuff, i loveeeeeee it !! i wish i had a sewing room of my own!

  13. The driver of the other car sounds like he was stoned rather than very very tired - what a toad!!!

  14. LOL - what Anne said!

    You should open up a fabric shop Patti! (My childhood bedroom had a lot of that colour green paint in it, so your sewing room is bringing back fond memories!)

  15. Such a wonderful day you are having. When the clock chimed 8:00 AM I said to myself "Patti and Fred are heading out to Ikea about now." (don't forget the 3 hour time difference)

    You are going to have such a grand time arranging and re-arranging. Sometimes I think that is almost as much fun as sewing.

    Glad things turned out as well as they did with your accident.

  16. Most important you weren't hurt, but what a little stinker. I'll remember to write down the license number now before I get out of the car! My last bump the gal hit be at the corner when I made the required full stop and she just looked and coasted right into me. Then I got some sob story about her sick kid only to see her leave and pull into the bank drive through!! No personal responsibility at all these days.

    OH my what stuff you have..isn't it weird to see it all laid out like that? I swear it grows! It's always amazing that it goes right back in to the same space and fits perfectly. You should have much more space when you get the new units that replace the RW&B plastic basket things. ALl that wasted space between them will just disappear and it should be fabulous! I can't wait to see it all come together Patti!

  17. Sure looks like a lot of stuff doesn't it? Makes me wonder how you had it all in that small room!

    How unexpected that the kid drove off AFTER getting out of the car. I would have been less shocked if he'd just driven off after hitting you.

  18. Oh sorry to hear about the car troubles. What a shame. Love all the fabric all over! I could go shopping in your stash!
