
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Back from Ikea

We both woke up early thanks to a dog that wanted out. Fred turned on the local 6:00 a.m. news, and reported that the freeway looked clear with no Ikea traffic jam. So we decided to grab a fast bite, dress quickly and head over. We left about 6:30. Should have been a 15 minute or so drive, but it took us quite a while to find our way in. The store is right next to the Portland airport and the police had blocked all the roads we thought would take us to the store. After driving in a circle a couple times we finally asked a police officer which road was actually open. I think we got in line about 7:30. Parked close to the pick up area so that was especially nice. They had Swedish dancers, trampoline artists, jugglers and more to entertain the people in line, as were passing out lots of free things like water bottles, fans, toys, hats, and more. Time went quickly and we passed into the store about 20 minutes after it opened. We checked out the the "real thing" to make sure it looked as good as I thought it would, then headed to the self service pickup area. Took as long to tie down the truck as it had to shop! We were out of there by 10:30 and home shortly afterward. Thought you'd enjoy seeing a shot of the truck ready for unloading.


  1. I just knew you were going to have a grand time there......

    Glad you are home and ready to put that room together.

    I will be looking forward to pictures first thing tomorrow...VBG

  2. Now comes the tough part - putting it all together! We went to Ikea when we moved and between bookselves, a TV stand, a desk, and my fabric shelves I was really tired by the time I finished assembling it all - in fact I still have a filing cabinet in the box 7 months later - one of these days I'm going to put it together.

  3. Hi Patti, I wonder when you will come up for air...LOL. OH MY!!! I read allllll the way down to the empty green shelves...and all I can say is "WOW"...alot of stuff, alot of work, and OMG about the accident. So glad you weren't seriously injured, sounds bad enough the way it was.
    The stuff in the truck looks wonderful, and I'm sure your new and improved room will be a delight! You deserve it! Hugs, Finn

  4. Only fun ahead of you now. I'm going to check out IKEA sometime after the newness has worn off. I don't need anything but I'm sure I'll find something I can't live without. Usually do.

    Sorry about the accident but glad you are okay.

  5. The Ikea bookcases are going to look great and I'm impressed with how quickly you got in and out!

    You've been so busy with your sewing room, can't wait to see the final result!

  6. I can't wait to see it all put together! It's so exciting!!

  7. Was this a grand opening? I can't imagine getting there so early and having to wait, otherwise. Looks like you filled up the truck, though. I couldn't live without my truck. =)

  8. That's got to be a record for geting in and out of Ikea! We always allow at least 2 hours (partly because I can't resist stopping for Swedish meatballs - they're good).

    I'm a new blog reader, btw. I've really been enjoying your tales of mile-a-minute blocks and reorganization.

  9. Love the photo of the trusty truck loaded with IKEA goodies.

  10. Oh...I knew I forgot to check yesterday. I came right in straight from the waking up!! I feel like it's MY christmas! I can't wait to see the center table as I'm in the market eventually to replace the fliptop one.

    Good luck putting them together quickly!

  11. really looking forward to seeing the room put pictures in progress too, ok?
    I am envying you right now being and getting this organized!

  12. Good luck, now it is time fo rthe hard part - putting that cr@p together... (not an Ikea furniture fan) I tried to like it, I really did but even some of the stuff my GF paid Ikea to put together is not holding up very well, some of mine never had a shot - some of it is still o.k., but over all for me no thanks.

  13. Ooh, that loaded truck is just a tease. Looking forward to your "reveal."

  14. Ok, first, just let me get this off my chest...I AM SO JEALOUS!! :) I'm glad you had a successful trip and hope you got some swedish fish! :)
