
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Another near finish

Since I posted the picture of the rest of the orphans this morning I've been sewing steadily. This top went together much more quickly than the first one because all the orphans were already sewn into bigger strips, squares and rectangles. There weren't quite enough blocks for the entire top, so I filled in spots with squares, little rectangles and strips that I pulled from my scrap bins. Not a single orphan block is left, and only a few of the fillers are left. The fillers will be tossed into the crumb box for mile-a-minute blocks, and the orphan block drawer remains empty. What a great feeling!
After dinner I may get the borders cut or I just may call it a night and focus on blog reading. My back is a bit sore from two days of sewing so giving it a rest would probably be a good thing.

Our daughter and son-in-law got another short DVD from Guatemala of their son. He's definitely growing, and still as cute as can be. They are still waiting on the preliminary OK of the DNA test from the US embassy. That's a 45 day minimum process so it may be another 2-3 weeks before all the paperwork moves on to the Protectorate General's office of the Guatemalan government.

In the meantime our daughter-in-law continues to send Sophie pictures at least once a week. She is growing like a weed and can't be left alone for a minute because she is rolling all over the floor. Her favorite position is to be held up on her legs and feet - I think she may turn out to be an early walker that leads both of them for a merry chase.

1. Another Mariners sweep!
2. Another empty plastic bin
3. Another cool day
4. An air conditioner for the longarm room
5. Strawberry waffles for dinner



  1. Sophie is an angel! And here's hoping the adoption process goes quickly for your daughter and son-in-law.

    Your orphan quilts are lovely -- and all that extra room! You could use it to store more fabric! (I know, I'm awful)

  2. I think that darling Sophie is wide-eyed because she saw all those bright colors on your quilt! What a treasure - both Sophie and the quilt!

    I just posted an orphan/puzzle quilt - a little different in style, but hey, it's close to done!

  3. love love love the orphan top. excellent job.

  4. It's totally gorgeous Patti :)

    And would you believe we have the exact same playmat for Romily (well for when she was a babe) - all the way here in Canberra, Australia?

  5. Your orphan tops turned out fantastic, Patti!

  6. Second scrappy as great as the first! Nice job.

    Beautiful grand daughter! Love to hear how things are progressing with grand son!

  7. My gosh Patti, you just got in there and sewed like a champ and got 2 tops done!! Both a fabulous and all that fabrics used that would have otherwise just sat and waited for something to happen to use in a quilt!

    Veyr cute babe!

  8. What a fantastic top! So many pieces - that must have been a real puzzle :)

  9. Patti? Can I come to your house for dinner? Strawberry waffles, yummy!
    Your 2nd orphan quilt is as wonderful as the first, and you got it done so quickly!
    Sophie is adorable - you are lucky to receive pics once a week. I'm lucky I get pics of my grandkids once a month! LOL!
    How about Hargrove resigning? What do you think about that? Especially when our boys are doing so very well - I'm so proud of them! I wonder if Bavasi is behind it somehow.......

  10. That Sophie is something else!!! What a doll. Hope your other grandbaby gets to come home soon too. Hey, I am going to see your Mariners play my Royals tonight here in KC. Both my sons are in town for the holiday so we'll stop by and see their 95-year-old grandmother, then on to the game. I'll be thinking about you!!!!

  11. What a cutie pie! I continue to be impressed by your orphan block quilts. You have more patience than I do, I think...

  12. Patti, My boys from Boston did not enjoy their visit to Seattle. I did quite a bit of crying during their stay in your neck of the woods! However,we are still on top but not for long if we don't find some bats and start hitting!

    good luck with the Blue Jays!

  13. Hi Patti, what a fabulous job of cleaning out those bits and pieces and orphan blocks! I'm very impressed and so proud of you, and the tent camper and you and Mr. Patti are the winners!!!
    The second top is just beautiful, I still really love the 'parts dept. assembly'. I do understand how much harder it makes the process, maybe some of the others will experience that also.Am anxious to see them bordered and quilted, and then on some camping trip, a nice snap shot of them on the bunk...Hugs, Finn
    Look for you tomorrow on the Train feature!

  14. Wow, fabulous near finishes and lots of scraps and orphans, I am in heaven! Well done, gorgeous little Sophie is growing! Great news on the new addition as well, hope all is going smoothly, Tracey

  15. Wow - Sophie really is growing FAST! She's just a little darling. Sounds like good news on the adoption front too - I bet they are getting more excited by the day!
    Love your orphan quilts - they really look as if they have been planned from the beginning. Adding the border fabric that reminds you of the evergreens is just the right touch.

  16. Sophie is just adorable! Look at those eyes! And boy the waiting for your daughter's son is a killer. It has to be so hard on them.
