
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A solution to a problem

When I sorted my fabric baskets last weekend I realized how frustrated I'd become with them. I've stored my fabric in them for years and it really shows - the bottoms sag a lot. They are stacked high enough that the only reason they are stable is because I put extra floor tiles under their front "feet". And it's almost impossible to see what's on the bottom of each stack - never mind pulling it out easily.

As I was putting the fabrics back into them it really struck me how much empty wasted space can be found both between the top of one basket and the bottom of the next, as well as along the sides. Since my room is so very small I just can't afford to have that kind of wasted space.

I've been wanting new shelves for years, and suddenly I decided I just didn't want to wait another 15 months until I retired. After all, I just received a nice bonus at work - why not get them now so I can enjoy them longer? So I asked my dear hubby if new shelves could be my birthday-Mothers' Day present this year. Since he is a dear he said "Sure! Just choose what you want".

Now all I need to wait for is the opening of the new Ikea store across the river. They say summer - I sure hope that means June!

Here's what I'm thinking about getting - the white ones. They will look so pretty with the lime green walls. Aren't they great? They even have doors to protect the fabric from dust. They come in both narrow and wide widths so I can fit as many as possible across each wall.

So soon it will be goodbye red, white, and blue saggy, wasteful baskets and huge saggy chipboard shelf and hello beautiful white cabinets. Happy dancing more each day!

Don't I have the most wonderful husband ever?


  1. Yes, you do have the MOST wonderful husband. The shelves will be great! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

  2. I don't know, do you think you can wait until June even!!!!

  3. "Searchers for the perfect storage system unite!!" Well done from she-who-can-never-have-too-many-plastic-containers-or-shelves!

  4. I had built in shelves that I thought were great at the house in Marietta but my new IKea shelves are even better! I'm sure you'll love them.

    I chose the EXPEDIT unit and bought 2 of them - the cover an entire wall and give me lots of storage space. I also bought some of the bins that fit them which are great for keeping fat quarters and other pieces too small to stack on the shelf.

  5. Ohhh -- lime green walls? how yummy and with the white shelves it will look fantastic!

  6. looks like you are really getting your stash organised! well done!
    I always wind my DMC threads while I watch the TV, if you have a DMC suppier close by, grab the plastic bobbin holders and also a couple of pre printed labels of all the DMC colours numbers to add to the bobbins. they look really great, and easy to find (if you put them in number order like me LOL)
    We have a few Billy shelves in our house here ....billy shelves are the expat's dream cupboard. Cheap and reasonable looking, also when we have so much cupboard space at out home in Sydney, we didn't want to spend a lot of money on cupboards! You can find Billy shelves in most expat's homes. My fabric stash sits in Billy shelves as well! Enjoy!!
    Now you will have to find a better use for those plastic containers
    Enjoy getting organised!

  7. You will love the new shelves and you will ask yourself why you waited so long!!

  8. Patti great idea.

    Only a year and a bit till you retire? Yippee!!!

    Oh and while he may be wonderful, I think my husband is pretty special too :) :)

    Great idea. I am waiting for an Ikea to open up here too. Our nearest is three hours away!

  9. If those are the cabinets that have a cardboard inster in the back (for stability and to be a back) then tell your husband to get a box of tacks... The tacks are easier to use & do the same job! Ask me how I know... (We went for the Staples bookshelves the second go round...They came with tacks!)

  10. What a wonderful husband!!!!!!!
    That will just be so wonderful. Nothing better than being able to see every piece of fabric. We're waiting patiently for our IKEA to open too. I think I may be in lots of trouble.

  11. I have the IKEA ones with the frosted glass doors and it works really well for me. My cupboards are in our dining room / my sewing I needed to be able to close them off.

  12. Yes, you do have a wonderful husband but then mine is the MOST wonderful husband.... Perhaps it is because we are both so good to the. Lem calls me "Susan Goodwife".

    You just keep on with all those great organizing ideas and when we build the retirement home I am going to copy them for my studio. Thanks..

  13. I'll be anxiously waiting with you! You're going to love your new shelves!

    Isn't it nice to have such a wonderful husband - I'd be lost without mine!

    Here's to the good men in the world! hip hip hooray!

  14. We have those shelves as well and the are quite sturdy even full of books. Have fun with them! Congratulations on having such a nice husband, I would say well chosen. Take care.

  15. My Billy has Billy so does my Jacob and so do I. I love these shelves.

    We all have the most wonderful husbands ever. But today yours is top of the list!

  16. he's a keeper!! you are going to love those shelves. be sure to post pics when it's all done!

  17. They are great men aren't they, and so helpful! You know that they will deliver them to your door too, right? If you can't wait for summer. The Billy shelves are really great ones.

    I thought about getting them too and will if I ever have a whole room with no computer in here

  18. Oooh . . . an Ikea store. My closest Ikea is a 3 hour trip. That means a road trip for me.

    Your DH is great. Happy shopping.

  19. Oohh IKEA! How just make sure that you go in there and buy only the shelves. If you are anything like me you'll get side tracked and come out with an complete bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or whatever takes your fancy! Oh and keep away from the fabric.

    Can you PM me with your address please. I might have something for your embroidery threads.

  20. Ooooh, I discovered IKEA in Arizona in February and fell in love!!! Wish we could get one here in KC---along with a Trader Joe's!!! Glad you are not waiting till retirement to get your new shelves.

  21. your organzing inspires me! looking forward to seeing those new shelves...and no doubt that husband of your is a keeper...

  22. yes, they will look great! and so much nicer than what you have in there-I had a blast going through the Ikea store in Atlanta and came home with lots of written descriptions of storage stuff I wanted..-can't wait for ours to open...we will have to do a field trip adventure!

  23. Patti - we're big Ikea fans - our house it littered with their stuff - we bought one of the white Billy bookcases for our landing outside Sarah's bedroom - not had it long but certainly looks well up to the job - unlike some of the junk furniture you get from the DIY chains - the doors will be great to keep the dust out - their stuff is just so versatile - lucky you!

  24. Well, if you're going to be creating my dream sewing space, can you just go ahead and pick up the Varde kitchen storage/island for a cutting table too? I'd like to see how my dream space is going to look someday. (You are a girl after my own organizer's heart!)

    PS You will love having your stash behind glass. You can see it clearly but it's not collecting dust, and somehow enclosing it makes it seem less cluttery.

  25. My Billy bookshleves have made it through 5 moves! The three I got from a DIY store last year are already trashed after only one! Good choice!

  26. You're going to be so organized! Can't wait to see your wonderful stash shelves! DH gets an A+ on this one!!

  27. Be sure to show us your new shelves when you get them installed.

  28. Sounds like a good plan to me. I can't wait for the IKEA store to open, too.
    Holly - from the other side of that same river :)

  29. IKEA is a wonderful and sinful store! I am glad that our local one is about 40 minutes away otherwise I would be there ALL the time!

  30. I have Billy bookshelves too. I would like some doors for them to keep the dust out. The curse of having a dirt road out the front.
