
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Joseph's Quilt

Now that our kids are back from Guatemala and we have seen lots and lots of still pictures as well as video of our grandson Diogenes, I figured it was time I really got started on his quilt. I pulled a bunch of fabrics last weekend - as many primary and secondary crayon box colors as I could find in my stash. I was very surprised to find that there weren't all that many! I pulled a few more last night and started on the blocks.

Because they have a dalmatian and a gingery golden cat I started with the cat and dog blocks. I wanted there to be no doubt that these two blocks represent Leia (after the princess in Star Wars) and Mara (named after Luke Skywalker's wife). For the bunny and duck I choose fabrics I thought would look good with the others. I've cut the background for the blocks with hearts and flowers and have traced all the shapes on Heat 'n Bond Lite; I still need to cut the appliqués. Doing the blanket stitch on all these blocks will be my handwork for the next several weeks. I think this is going to be such a cute quilt!
My goals for tomorrow are to fuse the rest of the appliqué blocks and finish the quilting on the UFO I've got on the machine. I thought I'd get more done today, but we learned last night that Jeremy and family were coming to Rick's and Rebecca's today so they could see all the pictures of Diogenes and Guatemala. So we spent the afternoon with all of them - an unexpected treat. Our new grandson is so cute! He sure sleeps a lot - though we did get to see him awake a few times in the movies. We are counting the days until they can bring him home, which they now say is 5-8 months. I certainly hope he's here by Christmas!

I spent considerable time during my lunches this week perusing the Ikea website. I found some other very nice things for my sewing room besides the Billy shelves. We decided since I have to take most everything out of there to put the new shelves in that I might as well do the whole thing at once. That way I have to mess it all up only once, and can enjoy it all finished that much sooner. Works for me! It will finally be a room that looks as nice as it functions. So I'm also counting the days until our Ikea opens - seems like I have lots of reasons to count calendar days in the next few months!


  1. Hi Patti, thanks for visiting and commenting on my teddy block.
    Your appliqué quilt is just gorgeous
    and I love the fabrics. You'll enjoy stitching it.
    Bet you just can't wait to snuggle him up in it :-)

  2. How exciting! A new grandson! It seems like a long time to wait for him to join your family in the US. I love the quilt you are starting for Joseph! Adorable!

  3. Your new grandson will love this quilt, it is just lovely! I'm looking forward to seeing how this quilt progresses!

  4. Those blocks are adorable! Guatemala must be very interesting, though it must be hard to have your family so far away.

  5. Many countdowns in your grandson, IKEA and retirement! YIPPEE! All wonderful things. Your grandbaby quilt is so cute...he will be so cute on it. Can't wait. I'm counting the days with you :)

  6. Joseph's new quilt is looking adorable, I'm sure he will just love it.
    I did some organizing last week, it really feels good to get things in order.

  7. Isn't it nice when you have so many good things to look forward to! A new grandbaby has to top it all though...

    Definately do the entire room at once. Your going to have to empty most of it to put in the shelves and once it is back in you will not want to go through that again anytime soon!

  8. Such blessings grandchildren are. The quilt will be a wonderful hug from you to Diogenes........... This will give you something to keep your hands busy while you wait and you are going to so enjoy your new space.

  9. Hi Patti, such abundant blessing at your house! You and Grandpa must be bustin' your buttons! So very special to get to see pictures and video of the little one.
    He and Sophie will get to be great playmates and cousins..*VBS* And three cheers for sewing room improvements and upcoming retirement for you. Life is looking good!!! Hugs, Finn

  10. Very cute blocks! I love them :) Your new shelving idea sounds really great, I can't wait to see pictures when you get it all put together.

    I've been excited for the new IKEA as well! I've never been to one, but have heard great things about it.

    thanks for your kind comments on my blog. :D

  11. Ooo, I cannot wait to see the shelves AND the quilt. I hate waiting but the anticipation is fun sometimes. :)

  12. Patti, this is going to be such a special quilt for a special little boy *s* I can't imagine how anxious you all must be awaiting his arrival.

  13. Can you share a picture of the grandson? We want to see!

  14. Congrats on your new gransdon, and what a sweet quilt for him!
