
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Too many choices!

Can you hear my lament? "Oh, what not to take, what not to take!"
Notice the operative word - NOT.

I know I can't take everything. Common sense tells me that . After all, I have only 3.5 days of sewing at this retreat. Of course that's sewing morning, afternoon and night, with only small breaks for sleeping and eating - but I know I just can't do it all. So I pulled things out of the sewing room and stacked them on the dining room table. Of course I took my strings - that's my current project. And the box is now full again since I dumped a fresh supply of strips into it. And the crumbs of course - I've been so eager to try some "Crumb Chaos" blocks. That means I need strips for those, so I added the two totes of 1 3/4" strips. (Two totes? How did I manage to have two totes of strips this size?" Then my hourglass blocks as there are great design walls all over the classroom where we will be retreating. But what if I get tired of sewing scraps? No problem - I pulled my Jan Patek 2006 mystery quilt. All I have left is the two pieced blocks from December plus the remaining applique from November. And the applique will provide something in case I get tired of sitting at the machine. If I do all of those I can start sewing all the blocks together. I might even be able to finish the top! Then there is that drawer of orphan blocks that I added lots and lots of oddball things to when I cut up all my scraps. Since I'm taking strips I might as well take those along too - I can sew them into regular size blocks for another charity quilt. And I can't forget my hand quilting project - that's one of my oldest UFO's and some concentrated quilting time could get it much closer to being done. Of course I need to take along the top I was working on last Saturday so I can either add borders or make more blocks. And then . . . .
Whoa there Patti! You are staying only until late Sunday morning - not until summer. Where is your reason and common sense? This is ridiculous!

So I put back the mystery quilt - I can do that later. I put back the hour glass blocks. While I'm doing that I decide I might run out of 1 3/4" strips so I add the tote of 1 1/4" strips - after all, wouldn't it be nice to use up all those oddball sizes? I add back the November mystery blocks - a bit of applique to take along is a good idea. I put away the hand quilting - I've taken it the last three years and never touched it. But since I've put back that much I take the hour glass blocks back out and add them to the stack.
Oh yes - can't forget notebook, camera, show and tell quilts, stuff for the mid-century album class since I need to come back Thursday night long enough to attend class, rolling tote of sewing supplies, ironing pad, travel iron, rulers, cutting board, and featherweight. I'm sure I've forgotten something.

Well, my lunch time is over and I need to get back to work. I'm due to give my assistant a coaching review and I've not yet written up the paper work. I have a bunch of other stuff to take care of so I can leave by 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. Who knows what will be added and subtracted to the pile tonight and tomorrow while I'm packing the car.

Clothes, you ask? Oh yeah - I'd better pack a suitcase too. Not a problem - I can do that tomorrow before I leave. That's the easy part - 10 minutes tops is all it will take to do that.


  1. ROFLMBO!!~ Gee, looks like the perfect retreat pile to me! Have a great time!

  2. I'm in the same dither! I'm attending a guild retreat this weekend for 2.5 days. What am I taking? The pieces for a combo SNW and paperpieced quilt, a Suzanne Marshall applique block, a bit of crewel embroidery and knitting. Have fun Patti!

  3. I know what you forgot, *chocolate*
    "Don't leave home without it." :D

  4. Oh Patti you made me laugh...sounds like me getting ready to go somewhere...I always look at the pile and have to many days am I going? Have a blast!

  5. Well, it looks like you'll have plenty of options! lol! Have a great time at the retreat. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  6. WooHoo a quilting retreat. WooHoo!!!! Have lots of fun Patti - take it all - what the heck! :-)

  7. I don't go on a retreat until June, but I'm taking notes from you on what to take and NOT to take.

  8. LOL, you can't take the whole house with you, Patti! It sounds like sewing work and some handwork will be just right.

    How interesting about the sewing session with the string blocks in the previous post. No doubt your fellow sewers are hooked now?

    Have a wonderful time on your retreat!

  9. You are too funny! I'm laughing now but I will be in your shoes in a couple months. I say to take as much as you want if you have the room. =) I second adding chocolate to the pile. Happy retreating!

  10. Geez Louise Patti! I hope you have a wonderful time!

  11. Quilting retreats are so fun. They are just that a chance to retreat into quilting-our safe, controlled world we love to

  12. have a great time Patti. Hope you can share some photos when you get back

  13. That pile looks very familiar to me. It's always better to take too much than not enough as my retreat packing will verify. Have a wonderful time!

  14. definitely sounds like you have BIG plans. Hope you get lots done!!

  15. You'll definitely not run out of things to work on. I understand the dilemna, it's like deciding which child to leave at home . . . you just can't *s*

  16. But you might need it! I totally understand how you got to that place. I way overshoot what I think I can accomplish too! Have fun!

  17. We all have our priorities....Fabric, YES; clothes, whatever :-). Why do we always think we can get so much done???? Have a great time.

  18. You are too funny! I always used to take every scrapbook thing I owned because you never know what you will forget that will render it all not usuable! Better safe than sorry!

  19. Two words for you...

    BIGGER LUGGAGE! :) Have a wonderful time! ;)

  20. Wow, it sounds so productive. I've never been on a retreat. Have fun and show us lots of pictures!

  21. Oh my gosh Patti, you've just written what every one of us who retreat goes through!!!! I truly envy those who know what they will work on and then plow on in to it...I've always sooo torn, take too much or take too little. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time no matter what you take. Hugs, Finn

  22. Funny! I'd probably take two projects and work on one when I tired of focusing on the other just so I could see a lot of progress. I've never been on a retreat, though, so all that might get thrown out the window after experiencing one. Have fun!

  23. Who says you can't take it all? Are you taking your own car? If so take it all, I say. Have fun. I have that Gwen Marston string book - I made my first and (so far) only string quilt after reading it.

  24. I'm with you Patti, iIt is important to have choices of what to work on at retreat! I took a whole suitcase of fabric to a retreat last weekend and I made... wait for it.... a 29" square top!!! I had 4 other projects with me, but I just felt like making something new, and using up some the deep reds from my stash. Hope you have a great time at your retreat.

  25. Oh, I hope you put it all back in-don't worry about the clothes, stay in your jamies!
    On retreat you need EVERYTHING....what happens if you are only in the mood for the one thing you took out!? Hope it was great, Tracey

  26. ROFLOL. You've got the retreat packing down to a science! The first retreat I went on, I had two LARGE suitcases of sewing stuff, and my clothes (no kiddig) in a paper bag! I mean, a gal has priorities!

    Have fun! Can't wait to see what you accomplish!

