
Monday, March 26, 2007

Back from the retreat

I had a fabulous time at the retreat - except for the fact that I started getting sick on Saturday morning and am now home feeling lousy with a nasty cold bug of some kind. I don't even feel like sitting at the computer or sewing so you know how lousy I feel!

In did get a lot accomplished at the retreat - more that I ever imagined I could. Believe it or not I worked on almost everything I took with me.

I made more blocks for my black sashed string quilt and finished that top. I made 25 string blocks with red centers for another Hotel Hope string quilt - that's a good start for that one.

I did some Crumb Chaos blocks so I could demo the process to some of others. I'd never done them before so it was new to me also. They are so much fun, very addicting, and really go together quickly. After I put everything away yesterday I cut up the scraps I'd created at retreat and made a bunch more of them. So now I have a good start on a Crumb Chaos Hotel Hope quilt too.

I almost left my 2006 Jan Patek mystery quilt - "Posies and Points" - at home. It was one of the projects I kept taking out and putting away while I was packing. I'm really glad I took it because I finished all but one of the November appliqué blocks and stitched most of it together. I've not shown a picture of this project for a long time so some of you may not have seen it. I love how it's turning out - I may make this into my bed quilt for camping in our tent trailer. I think I'll big stitch it with Cebelia, using a nice wool batting and a flannel back. I'm hoping I can get the last block appliquéd today - if I can find the energy somewhere.
As far as will power and not buying - well, I failed miserably at that. I decided it was OK if I spent, however, as this was a special time. My boss told me I'd receive a very nice bonus this week when she did my yearly review, so I decided that was really a gift and I could spend some of it how I wanted to. Some of the purchases were legal - four, 3-yard pieces of bright Shadow Play fabric for sashings and borders on scrappy quilts and three, 2 1/2-yard pieces of warm light neutrals for backgrounds on reproduction quilts. My indulgences were a packet of fabrics to make "Reminiscence" by Lori Smith, as well as packets of blue, neutral, pink and brown reproduction fabrics. The picture is of Sharon who owns Momma Made It and the Reminiscence quilt. I also bought one book - Medallion Quilts by Cindy Vermillion Hamilton. None of those were necessities, but they were things I wanted. I figured I deserved a gift after being good for so long!

I'm totally behind on my blog reading - Bloglines says I have 142 updated feeds. As long as I don't fall asleep sitting at the computer I should be able to at least find the energy to read.
1. New fabric to fondle and drool over
2. A new quilt book to read
3. Wonderful quilty friends
4. Quilting retreats
5. My own bed



  1. Wow, Patti, a very productive week end, indeed.

    I am sorry that you're ill now. Rest and relax and you'll be busy again soon!

  2. Wow you did great! Lot's of progress. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. I know some of those ladies (and baby)! What fun to visit your blog... and see photos of people I know.

  4. Puh! I feel exhausted just reading about all the things you acomplished this weekend! Well done! And of course you deserved the goodies you bought at the retreat :o) Hope you'll feel better soon! Take care.

  5. WOW! What a wonderful retreat weekend you had...I am amazed at how much you got done...that is just fantastic. Your mystery quilt of Jan's is just wonderful.
    Love what you got for Reminiscence.

  6. What a haul! And you deserve all of it given all of the sewing you accomplished. Sounds like it was a perfect retreat.

  7. Wow, what a productive weekend. Love your JP mystery quilt-it's such a nice mix of piecing and applique. Reminiscence is just gorgeous. I may have to ponder following you in doing it. I think I have a nice pile of fabrics that would be just right *s*

  8. Congrats on getting a lot of work done on the retreat. I've been thinking about making a medallion quilt. I may have to check out the book.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. What a fabulous quilt! I was going to ask what that great stack of fabrics on the table included, then I saw that it came home with you!

    Good sewing on all your projects! You got a tons of stuff done!

  10. Patti - you need to put a "drool alert" on these kinds of posts -- I'm drooling over the Momma Made It quilt asw well as all of your new fabrics. WOW! And, yes, you did deserve it.

  11. I love the string blocks - I'm going to have to make some with red centers soon.

    When you fall off the wagon you fall good! Looks like a wonderful pile of new fabric.

  12. Welcome back Patii ! Oh, you did such a wonderful job at your retreat ! (I particularly love the "Miles..." scrap blocks. When put together, they just make me think of a "Gee's Band" quilt ! They're so graphic!)...
    You made the perfect choices with your new fabrics & book, too ! (Of course you deserve them !).

    Now take care of yourself, have a good rest, and dream of all the beauties you're soon going to make !

    Hugs & smiles !

  13. Your retreat sounds as if it was one great big roller coaster ride with very little sleep in between. No wonder you are exhausted. Hope you are up and running on full power again soon.

  14. Great progress you made at your retreat. Love the Jan Patek Quilt, actually all the quilts :-)

  15. You are simply amazing.

    I have that "Medallion Quilts" book. I got one for my daughter and myself. If I can find the right fabric, that will be the next project we do together. I will do the piecing and she will do the applique.

    Glad you had a grand time. You will be back in shape in no time and putting us all to shame with your ability to finish so many things.

  16. Boyohboy, were you a busy bee!!! Congrats on the great progress. And your purchases sound well worth it. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  17. Sorry to hear your not feeling well, but glad to hear you got so much done!

    And can you believe it! I bought that same book last Wednesday on my way home from a business trip!

  18. I just knew you needed to take everything!! So pleased you have got a lot done. Now look after yourself!
    That sewing room is amazing, can I print the pics off tho show hub and quilt group, they'll stop picking on me and my stuff(except mine isn't as orderly!!)LOL Tracey
