
Thursday, February 1, 2007

No buy

I did it! I didn't buy any fabric in January! Hooray! I'm determined to do the same in February!

Has anyone placed Kim's February "no-buy" badge on their blog? I've been trying for over 20 minutes with no success as you can see. Every time I save the "revised" HTML blogger changes it by adding extra quotation marks, an extra > and an extra forward slash. I'm sure it's not Kim's code - she certainly knows what she is doing. I think it's Blogger. I can't try any more now because I need to get ready for work.

I'd like to know whether anyone else is having the same trouble I am, or whether they've been able to place it successfully. Please let me know one way or the other. I really hate being "badge-less". Update: I guess Blogger was having problems this morning. It finally decided to accept the HTML without changing it - Hooray! I'm no longer "badgeless"!

Have a super day everyone!

1. We're on the downside of the work week
2. The huge orange moon hanging over the western horizon yesterday
3. Tiny snowdrops blooming by the front walk
4. Online tax payment for my business
5. My new glasses for computer and hand work



  1. Just testing my settings Patti since I converted over last night. Didn't know how else to test. If you see something off/wrong let me know!

  2. I added some hyperlinks to my sidebar yesterday. I checked it when I was done and everything looked okay. Hours later, I looked at it again, and Blogger had added an extra > on each one of my list items.

  3. Also, I'm having tons of problems getting to familiar blog sites today. Maybe something's up...

  4. Congratulations on meeting your goal. I have had trouble just visiting blogs this morning -- maybe it's all cleared up now.

  5. Congratulations on going the whole month on no-boy. I did buy in January BUT only for a swap that requires Thimbleberries fabric and I have none in my stash. So definately a legal purchase. This month I plan to buy NOTHING! We CAN do this!

  6. I had trouble with the badge too. Blogger added extra " in my code. When I removed them it worked. Compare your code to that given to you and make sure you have no extras!

  7. Congrats on the January Fabric Diet! Keep up the good work and whittle that stash! I've shipped four boxes of fabrics this month to charity workers - fabrics I knew I'd never use - and I still have enough for my lifetime! :>)

  8. wat to go in January! and good luck with Februrary....

  9. Congratulations! One month at a time . . we can do it! :)

    Judy L.

  10. You did great on not spending this month---And you never stopped quilting....There is life without fabric purchases. But I think Judy is right, we have to quit window shopping on line....

  11. well done on your Fabric Diet for January. Apart from purchasing some fabric to use as backings for a couple of quilts i didn't buy anything else. I'm going to try adding Kim's badge on the weekend. I was also having trouble the other day with it.

  12. Well you have one up on me...I didn't even think about going to get the new badge! Duh!! New month, new badge! Good for you!! Good for me! We did it!

  13. Congrats on No Buy in January and Good Luck in February. How is the new iron working out for you? I hope you still like it.

  14. Good for you! You did it. I didn't, but I'm happy for YOU! :) Good luck for February, we're all behind ya. :)
