
Friday, February 2, 2007

Dawn of a new day

I slept in just a bit this morning so was home later than usual. I happened to glance out the front window just in time to see the most marvelous sunrise. I ran to grab my camera, went out on the front step, and discovered the battery was dead. By the time I replaced it and got back outside the color had already faded quite a bit. It still is a spectacular sight - what a marvelous way to begin the day!

Update - we have beautiful blue skies, so Mr. Groundhog will definitely see his shadow. Seems like he does every year - in this rainy country we can count on sun on February 2nd!

1. A vibrant sunrise
2. An incredible full moon
3. Sleeping in
4. Friday dress down day
5. An easy day at work ahead of me



  1. Beautiful! I managed to catch a great sunrise picture the other day, too. I was glad my camera was close (and didn't need batteries!) so that I could get it.

  2. Good Morning. It was a lovely pink sky this morning on the west coast. I also tried to take a picture this morning. I think we live in such a beautiful part of the world.

  3. Glorious! Mornings like this make getting up early worthwhile, don't they?

  4. Wow that is spectacular - I can't imagine what it was like not faded!

  5. What beautiful sunrise pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    BTW, the groundhog did NOT see his shadow here so maybe that means our cold is about over. :-)

  6. Absolutely Breathtaking.......

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful moment with us.

  7. I saw that same sunrise, and I thought the same thing, it was stunning! The moon was beautiful last night wasn’t it? It was so huge :D

    Off to Fabric Depot tomorrow to stock up :)

  8. I love sunrises. Where we live, tourists are clamouring to catch the last glimpse of the sun at the end of the day. I think that's why I enjoy the peacefulness of the morning. It's just a gorgeous and so much more serene *s*

  9. Love sunrise and sunset pictures. Thanks for posting these.

  10. What better way to begin a day than such a beautiful sunrise.

  11. What a beautiful sunrise! I had promised myself to take a photo of the full moon every month this year, but it was too cloudy. Our groundhog didn't see his shadow, even though the sun did peek out in the afternoon. Today is bright and sunny, and windy and cold!

  12. Don't you hate when the batteries are dead and you don't find out until it's too late. You got great photos, regardless! No shadows here on Groundhogs Day. Hope you are well recovered.

  13. beautiful photos!!! I am still planning to get up early enough to take a photo of a lovely sunrise some day.

  14. We had that sunrise here in Astoria too! I ran to get my camera from my office, and by the time I got back the sky show was over. It was just spectacular and I'm glad you got photos of it!
