
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Things seem to be back to normal

A big thank you to all of you who left me such reassuring comments this morning. I can tend to get a bit paranoid at times because of my experiences in the working world. So many times there are people at work who will read things into an email I write that just aren't there. I guess I'll never get used to office politics and the practice of writing underlying messages between the written words. Along the same lines people will expect me to read between the lines of their communication, and I completely miss what they are actually trying to say. Drives me nuts! I've been here 12 years now, and I'm starting my tenth year of managing this department - you'd think they'd have learned how I communicate by now. I guess the reverse is true also - I'm sure they think that by now I should have learned how some of them communicate. In many cases I've finally learned to say "OK - is there something you are trying to say I'm not picking up. Let's just get it out into the open so we are all clear about what each other is thinking." I'm a firm believer that all problems can be solved with open and honest communication on the part of everyone concerned. So often people are concerned with trying to change someone else's opinion. How much easier to just agree to disagree, and celebrate the things one has in common.

So far this morning we have no white stuff. The weather forecasters have once again "cried woof" - at least as far as this area is concerned. It's 34 degrees with partially cloudy skies. Thirty miles north I guess it's a mess of snow and ice from Longview-Kelso up I-5 to Centralia-Chehalis, as well as the north suburbs of Seattle and on up toward Bellingham. But nothing here. How disappointing!!!!!

It's good to see blogger and bloglines more or less behaving themselves again today. I do need to get some actual work done - of course I'd rather be at home quilting - so I guess this had better be it for now.


  1. I wish I was quilting too!!!

  2. I'd rather be home quilting also. But alas, one must pay the bills.

    Would you happen to know if it is snowing in Sequim WA. My MIL & SIL live there.

  3. Just here sending a HUG. Enjoy your day!

  4. I am home, but still no quilting. Hopefully later -- I think I hear my machine calling my name . . .

  5. Be thankful the white stuff missed you! We were hit hard again! Storm #14! I am really getting tired of this. The wind, rain, and snow storms can stop anytime. A warm tropical holiday is looking really attractive right now!

  6. Hi Patti,

    If ever you have a chance to photo the quilt you mentioned in Miscellaneous Musings, the one with the beaver crying, I would love to see it. It sounds fantastic.

    I'm a bit of a political junky & fight to keep my mouth shut in many situations. Perhaps I should quilt-out some of my opinions. But then, I suppose I would have to be careful about who saw the quilt. Oh, well.

    By the way, I didn't see several posts until this evening. Some nights I ignore the computer so my comments are often a day late, anyway.



  7. I too say what I mean - without trying to get people to read between the lines. I don't trust them to get it right! And then again, there are people who do try to read between the lines, and can come up with some doozies. It does worry me about things I am supposed to read between the lines they say. I can honestly say that 99% of the time, I am oblivious to those communications, and have to have someone point them out to me, and even then I'm not sure.
