
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy dancing

Did you all hear me whooping and hollering about 5:00 this afternoon? And see me happy dancing all over the sidewalk outside my office? The snow finally came! It started snowing about 4:00 while I was teaching my class - tiny round balls of snow that looked more like hail but were softer like snow is soft. By the time I let my class out just before 5:00 it was really snow. I got home and called my hubby on his cell, and learned he'd left Seattle an hour earlier than planned and was about a mile and a half away filling his tank at Costco. Once I new he'd gotten home safely I really started the happy dancing!

Wednesday's we always have dinner and play games with Rick and Rebecca so we headed over there. Three of us went out for dinner; Rick stayed home because the cold weather was making his legs unstable and wobbly and he'd had to stay home from work. We decided to go to Subway to pick up sandwiches, and by the time we got back to their house with the sandwiches we'd decided we'd drop Rebecca off and head home. Roads were covered and getting slippery, the temperature was dropping dangerously close to freezing, and we figured it was better if we weren't out on the road about 9:00 p.m. when it will have turned to ice for sure.

So we are home. Fred is upstairs watching hockey. After begging bits of sandwich from me Shadow went upstairs to beg from him. And I got the camera out and ran around like a mad woman outside just in case it's all gone by the time it gets light tomorrow. Fred is sure school will be cancelled, and I'm hoping the credit union decides to open at 10:00 a.m. with no early drive-up. The disappointing part is that it wasn't light enough to see it falling beautifully, but the good part is that it didn't start sticking and getting slick until the night time rush hour commute was past. I was really surprised at how well the pictures turned out. I guess the light of the flash reflects off the snow better than it would normally in the darkness. Now I have an unexpected hour and a half to work on Sophie's Stars. I miss not being able to spend the evening with our kids, but we will make it up later. In the meantime I could hardly wait to post my pictures. This won't seem like much to most of you, but to us it's huge. We get this much snow - an inch or more - only once every few years.

So that noise you heard about 5:00 Pacific Standard Time? That was me, happy dancing in the falling snow on the sidewalk outside my office.

1. A safe trip home from Seattle for Fred
2. Snowfall that is sticking
3. Watching the neighboorhood kids build a snowman in the dark on the lawn across the street
4. Watching our 16 year old dog act like a puppy, running around outside in the snow
5. Catching falling snowflakes on my tongue like I did when I was a child



  1. The photographs of the snow are just beautiful, and I'm glad that you are enjoying it. There is just something so magical about snow and the extreme quiet that comes with it.

  2. It took me 3 1/2 hours to drive the 16 miles from my meeting to my home today! I was thinking of your hubby since you mentioned he was in Seattle. Glad he missed the mess. Now I will need a snow day to recoup from the stress of that drive.

  3. We haven't had snow yet -- such an unusual winter for Iowa. I'm not missing it, but I know we need it. The weather guys are threatening it for this weekend. I'll believe it when I see it.

    Thanks for sharing your snow pictures!

  4. I envie you a little bit. Still no snow where I live. And in Norway that is SO unusual at this time of the year. If I can't get snow, give me some sun instead of this rain.

  5. Oh, that's what we heard at 6:00pm Mountain Time - whew - we weren't sure what that racket was. LOL

    Enjoy the snow - the one year we lived in Tacoma we had snow and heard it was a bit unusual.

  6. Looks beautiful. I have only seen snow falling once in my life -- it was wonderful. I can imagine how excited you must have been. Hope it lasts long enough to make a snowman *s*

  7. Aaaah yes Patti I'm with you on the emails being taken the wrong way thing. I have learnt to be very very very very careful!

    I am so glad the snow fell for you - it couldn't have fallen for someone who appreciated it more I think!

    I hope it's still there in the morning for you :)

  8. It is beautiful...I heard some noises from the west around 8 p.m. last night, must have been you. That is so exciting. It finally got a bit chilly here yesterday...I had to wear a sweatshirt when I walked the boys. Your pictures remind me of Jeanne''s Winter Solstice quilt.

  9. Pretty snow! I can understand your excitment, :O), we get very little snow here as when it does show up, its so fun!

  10. I love the picture looking over the bushes with the snow on it. You know, if you ever want to see snow come sew at my house! Usually there is lots, but this year only that one freak storm late in the fall. But it is suppose to be coming this weekend.

  11. Such wonderful pictures you have of your snow. How good that you are enjoying the event. People that like snow should have snow..............

    Communicating in writing only with out the nuances of voice tones and body language is difficult. What I am thinking I am saying is not at all what others read.......sometimes..........

  12. Patti - your snow pictures are sooo pretty in the dark - we only usually get that sort of amount of snow here in Somerset UK too - but I'm usually quite glad of that. As for your worries about offending people, none taken here either - in Yorkshire we have a saying for people speaking their mind - 'Calling a spade a spade' (read shovel/digging implement for spade if you're unsure of my meaning) Say it like it is - that's the joy of having the priviledge of living in a free country - Long may it continue!!!

  13. What exciting pictures.

    I am glad you got snow.

  14. You're not sending it my way, now are you?

  15. What is it about this weather? No snow for so long and when it finally does fall, we're celebrating like children. I miss the good old days when the snow fell regularly enough that we enjoyed the snow, went about our business and eventually got sick of it and wished it away.

  16. Lovely pictures! I think a picture is the only way I'm going to get snow this winter. :(
