
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Practicing my new mantra

If I buy it I'll have to
wash it
iron it
trim off the threads
fold it
find a place to put it
The solution is simple . . .
don't buy it in the first place!

I think I'll create a few signs with my mantra, and put one on the computer, one on the computer at work, and small copies taped to my check book and credit card.

I've just spent almost all of my weekend washing, ironing, etc. the fabric I bought on my holiday buying spree at the end of December. I kept thinking of all the sewing I could be accomplishing if I'd not bought this fabric. I'm glad I have it - I love every piece - but this is definitely the end of it. I'm taking myself off quilt shop email lists. I've stopped visiting online quilt shops. I've not stepped foot into a quilt shop this year.

The real test will come in March when I spend a four day retreat in the basement of my most favorite of all quilt shops. I have two months to build my resolve between now and then. In the meantime I need to come back daily to read this post, so I don't forget.


1. Good action movies to help the ironing time pass quickly
2. New found resolve - at least where shopping is concerned
3. Warmer temperatures
4. No fat fresh hot blueberry muffins
5. Reaching the last piece of fabric needing ironing



  1. YEAH Patti!
    just email if your at work and even thinking about ordering something I will give you 10 reasons (ok 100 if necessary) why you can live without it right now !
    The pile of fabric looks wonderful and so does the 30 other piles of fabric in the closets....oh I see lots of scrappy quilts in your future!
    Kathie in NJ

  2. you could add: Cut it and make something to the mantra -- that'd keep it from being stashed.... :-)

  3. What a g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s stack of fabrics!!! From what very little of each print I see - I love them all too! :) I have to ask - are these what are considered CW fabrics? I have recently fallen in love with CW and slowly trying to collect some. :) ~Bonnie

  4. go Patty go! what a great visual reminder - that pile of fabric - wow!

  5. You can always email me for support too. I'm not scheduled to buy fabric until May. Now doesn't that sound like a plan - set a "fabric buying" date. Perhaps you should write a date on your calendar.

  6. I will help you keep your resolve too! hope the chiropractor was of help with the pain. And, that you rested this weekend enough to feel better too, though standing a lot to iron would take it's toll on my body!

  7. Wow -- that's quite a pile of fabric! I'm actually reaching a point with my stash where I've used a lot of the good stuff, and I'm going to have to do some shopping in order to have a good palette to work with. I do have to be careful, though!

  8. That's an amazing stack of stash-prepping, Patti. I'd say the timing was perfect--just what you needed to cement your New Year's resolve.

  9. You mentioned being grateful for action movies.

    From one action movie junkie to another -- what are your favorites?

  10. WOW - That is a gorgeous stack of fabric - I'm drooling over it.

    I just love ironing fabric, it's almost like meditation but I despise ironing clothes...go figure.

  11. What a lovely stack of fabric. You must have a special way to fold the fabric - it is so neat and tidy. Can you come to my house and fold? LOL

  12. Patti, please tell me that wasn't ALL from December?? If so, glad to hear you're taking control to keep the stash from expanding!

  13. Gorgeous stack of fabrics! I don't wash mine any more - I wash the finished quilt instead. I was always getting behind on the family laundry LOL. The no-buying gets easier every week.

  14. I love your mantra! I think there are a few of us out here that could join you in that chorus! Perhaps we could form a choir!

  15. You could solve that whole problem another way. Don't prewash and iron everything. =) I like your ironing board.

  16. WOW...what a pile of fabric. They look so delicious. Just the perfect colours I love. I think you can make a lot of quilts from this pile. I envie you a little bit LOL :) Fabric is so expensive in Norway so I will never be able to have a pile like that to wash and iron at one time.

  17. Patti that is just the most wonderful pile of fabrics. Can't wait to see that one grow into something great!

  18. WOW!!! that is one big pile of fabric. How many yards of fabric is there?

  19. Your mantra sounds like good ole' common sense--something I'm not blessed with when it comes to quilt fabric, quilt books, and--now--yarn and crochet books. I may need to borrow one of your signs LOL! Best of luck. And keep remembering--retirement is as wonderful as it sounds!!!

  20. An excellent mantra - but a beautiful stack of fabric. Good luck *s*

  21. What a gorgeous pile of fabrics! Just for interest sake .... how many yards are there in that pile?

  22. Did you make your own big board? I need to do that, too. Nice fabrics- if you are really having buyers remorse........well, you could always share! LOL

  23. Don't forget the sticky note on the dashboard of the car!

  24. A very good mantra for all fabricaholics

  25. Oh Patti! I"ll take that lovely stack of washed and ironed fabric off your hands!!! :) I am not going to make it through this weekend.... I just know it....

  26. Oh, Patti, how nice of you to prepare all this for me !....
    Just like May Britt, I would DREAM having such a huge new pile of fabrics... but at an average 20$ per yard, here in Belgium, this remains a sweet dream.... The bright side of this being we don't need any mantra to restrain our fabric shopping ! LOL Of course, we can always buy on the net, but there again the shipping costs and customs are good "protectors"!...
    But in the meantime, I can't wait seeing the wonders you're going to make with these treasures !

    Biiig hugs & smiles,

  27. That pile looks wonderful...That big ironing board must help with the prep though! Good luck with the no fabric resolve...

  28. But your folded pile looks lovely - so neat...

  29. Isn't it strange that we can always find good reasons for more purchases. After reading your blog, I am not going online today to look for more fabric.... I am going to stitch up the fabric I already have.

  30. A tough resolve--good luck. I too plan not to buy any fabric unless I have a specific use for it immediately. But I would second Susan's comment. Why iron it? I always prewash but iron again anyway because storage causes problems.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog about the pop up window. It's working today--no one blogs on Tuesday?

  31. Well I've done well so far. I did have to stop the other day to get one spool of thread for quilting, and 1 1/2 yard of fabric for the border of this applique quilt, but other than that I have resisted! Even the $1 FQ sale.

    SO may I ask, what size do you buy your bundles in? 1/2 yard or yard? I got the FQ bundles for xmas this year. I almost got the 1/2 yd. But figured it was better to have less of more kinds of fabric. I got the Beacon Hill bundle. I don't wash before putting them away, but I do wash before I start the quilts and yes it takes time but then we get to "pet" the fabric!

    Love the big board! I'm going to make one of those soon for my ironing board too! I'd love to play in your stash. You CAN do this. You have more than enough to keep you happy. Stay away from the sites and turn off the emails. We can keep each other going in this little group!

  32. Looks good!

    Love your big ironing board. I need one of them.

    Your new blog also looks good.
