
Friday, December 1, 2006

UFO Challenge

When I posted about the unveiling of our guild Round Robins I mentioned that we were going to do a UFO challenge this year. At that time several of you asked how it was going to work. Today I received an email from the chair, so I can fill you in on the details.

At the guild meeting next Thursday the chair is passing out a form to everyone who wants to participate. This will also be sent by email so people wanting to keep their list electronically may do so. All UFO's are to be listed on the form, which is to be turned in at the January meeting along with a fat quarter "ante". She is suggesting it be a fat quarter we really love so we will be motivated to win it back.

Each month each participant will have their name put in a "hat" for each UFO they bring completed for show and tell. The chair will keep the UFO lists and check off the finished projects for each person. If someone does NOT complete a UFO during the month they need to bring another fat quarter for the "kitty". Finished means quilted or tied, bound and labeled.

Only quilty projects will count, and they can't be something as simple as a potholder or placemat. A set of placemats will count, as will a wall hanging, table runner or miniature quilt.

In December 2007 a name or names will be drawn from the "hat" - depending on how many fat quarter are collected during the year. The name or names drawn will win (or divide) all the fat quarters.

See that list of "Flimsies Ready to Quilt" on my sidebar? Those are what you see in the picture - they are crammed onto two shelves along with lots of batting in our upstairs bathroom. I'd love for these shelves to be empty this time next year - I think this will provide wonderful motivation to get a bunch of them done!


  1. I don't even want to think of quilts waiting to be quilted!

  2. Sounds like a plan!

  3. Great plan and I'll be here cheering you on. I want to get most if not all of my "flimsies" quilted next year. It's ridiculous that they are sitting in a pile.

  4. What a fun and encouraging way to tackle the projects in your cupboard.

  5. sounds like a great motivator for the UFOs. Hope it works for you :-)
