
Friday, December 1, 2006

Hard to believe it's December already . . .

Where did the year go? Are any of you really ready for today to be December 1st? I know I'm not! All the tubs that hold my fall decorations have sat in the living room since last Sunday. My goal is to get them put away today and get the house decorated today and tomorrow. We head to Newberg, Oregon on Sunday to celebrate our daughter-in-law's birthday so everything must be done today and tomorrow if it's to be finished this weekend.

To help me get into the spirit I'll show you the stockings I made a couple years ago. We'd been using old stockings I made years and years ago but I needed to do something new so we'd have a stocking for each of the kid's spouses. I'd had these fabrics around for years and years - left over from my bazaar days - and it was great to use them. I made a bunch of extras to sell when I was doing Quilters Market in Portland, but they didn't sell so I still have them. Certainly enough for as many grandchildren as we'll probably have.

Now on to something not-quilty. I don't talk about not quilty things often, but I'm inspired to talk about this - if only because speaking about it publicly will really help me stick to my guns. Some of you may be able to relate.

As a kid I was always skinny. As a teenager I was always skinny too - below the desired weight for my height and age. I remember having a 23" waist in high school. I ate like a horse - anything I wanted - and never gained weight. When I got married and had kids I gained some, but not a lot. At 35 and 5' 8 1/2" I still weighed only 135 pounds. Well, time and age began to catch up to me. In my late 30's I gained a little more, and still more in my 40's. When I started working at the credit union I started working out in the morning and went back to a size 10 - I was in the best shape of my life. Then I switched to my current department, started work earlier in the day and let the workouts go by the way side. By the time I was in my mid 50's I weighed more than I'd ever weighted before - 30 pounds more that I'd weighed when I was 9 months pregnant! Once again I got serious about it - worked out, went on weight watchers and lost 37 pounds. I looked great! I tossed the fat clothes and bought thin clothes. I was determined not to gain it all back.

Well, for many different reasons I got out of my routine - starting with having some session with a coach at the athletic club who put me on a different diet. It was complicated, I couldn't understand it, and couldn't stick to it. She didn't like weight watchers because she said my percentage of fat was still too high. That got me off my good eating routine. Then I went through a series of bad colds plus a back problem, and there went my workouts. To make a long story a little less long - I am now back to where I was and a little bit more - weighing more than I've ever weighed in my life. Unfortunately, in my mind and subconscious I'm still that skinny girl, so it's been very hard to wrap my mind around the problem.

Don't know what made the difference but now I'm serious once again. I have a closet of beautiful work clothes I bought last year that I want to be able to wear again. I'm back on weight watchers online - they sent me a "join again now and we'll waive the joining fee" offer, so I did it. I've tracked my eating for 5 days now, finished each day with a few points left over, gone shopping for lots of healthy, low fat foods, and have lost two pounds. I can tell the difference in my mental attitude - I am really determined. I've thrown away a mental picture of a skinny person from the past, and am now holding a mental picture of a healthy person of the future.

Wish me luck!


1. Hot oatmeal with a tiny bit of brown sugar and fat free half and half
2. Advent - my favorite time of year
3. The upcoming weekend!
4. Music - how fun to listen to old favorites as I load them onto our new Ipod
5. Weight watchers online



  1. good luck with the weight watchers - I have been trying to stop eating by 8pm in the evenings and it has made a big difference - I too am inspired by a recent round of medical tests and really want to regain my physical health this month
    I will be cheering you on

  2. Good Luck! I have really struggled since DH lost his job last year and when I was alone during the weeks earlier this year. I plan on enjoying our trip to Oregon this Christmas but getting serious again when I get home here again in January.

    I was underweight up till I met DH and then my weight skyrocketed. I called it my "fat and happy" era, lol. I got back to my goal weight twice and need but never maintained! My goal is to get to a healthy weight and work hard to maintain it with good food choices!

    Good luck, I know you can do it!

  3. Good luck - I am in your boat...

  4. Excess weight has been a life-long battle for me. I have experienced all the ups and downs (currently ups *s*) It really is much easier once you make the mental commitment and begin a good routine going. Good luck.

  5. It takes more time to eat healthy and exercise. I would rather be sewing... I will be walking with you in this journey to lose weight. I don't have any small clothes so I will be getting a new wardrobe if I do well....VBG

  6. I am in the same boat as you. I could always eat anything and never gain an ounce. 4 kids in 6 years probably helped. Lol. But from about age 40 on it has been 10 pounds every 10 years. I don't have a huge problem (no pun intended, lol) with that but I definitely want to start exercising more. I used to do a lot of Yoga and that is helpful in combating quilters backaches and sore necks. I still have to make myself work out though. Like you, I still see myself as a skinny teenager. I must have blinders on!

  7. Oh Patti - I can relate! I'm incredibly overweight and know it and yet can't motivate myself to do anything about it. I'll be cheering you on and hopefully, like with applique you'll inspire me to join you.

  8. Good Luck - though I don't think you'll need it because you sound very motivated and I always say that losing weight is more about mental strength than anything else. I am at my fattest for quite a few years - when I start my new job in January I'm going to focus on losing weight too.
    I love those stockings - I would have bought one if I'd been at the quilt market!

  9. Sounds like you're doing this for the right reason -- you! Don't let anyone distract you from the course you've set -- yes there might be better paths, but getting lost switching is a real risk as you've found out, and this one will get you there!

  10. I can completley relate to you! Until the last few years, I've always been able to eat whatever, whenever. Being a runner helped that too. Then a hip injury and surgery...stopped running (which I miss soooo much) and hitting my 40's. It takes more focus and determination, BUT it is do-able. YOU CAN DO IT!! I really like what you wrote in closing, "I've thrown away a mental picture of a skinny person from the past, and am now holding a mental picture of a healthy person of the future." That is key, and it is a super smart choice. Go girl!
    P.S. I love your Christmas stockings!!

  11. Good for you Patti! You'll hear me cheering you on from way down here! You are doing it for all the right reasons so I know you will succeed.

  12. Good luck with the weight. I was just like you. skinny and then age and work set in....

    I LOVE your stockings!
