
Thursday, December 28, 2006

A time of new beginnings

There's just something about this time of year that appeals to me. I adore the holidays and everything they involve. However, the day after Christmas I'm ready and eager to move on to what comes next. Christmas decorations usually come down right away at our house as we move forward to prepare for the new year and all the things it has in store for us. We aren't much for dwelling on things in the past - we are much too busy looking forward.

With this in mind I decided to wait no longer to redo my side bar. I've been so eager to delete all those crossed out items, rearrange what's left and start setting goals for 2007. I tried to be more realistic in my goals this next year - notice there are no goals that mention not buying fabric LOL! I think the goals I've set are definitely doable, and I'm eager to get started. I have a few loose ends to tie up in the next few days - one more Army top to quilt for a friend plus some tidying in my sewing room. Then my focus will return to Sophie's quilt, as I want it finished in time for her to come home from the hospital with it. Next I will be start Joseph's quilt. The kids didn't move on the list this month - as far as they can tell they are still number 10. However, by the time Sophie gets here in February they could be very near the top of the list, so there is no time to delay.

I used to belong to the Stashbusters Yahoo Group but had to drop out in the fall of 2005 for a couple of different reasons. I've rejoined - thanks for the encouragement Cher! - and reupped for their UFO challenge. They have a new challenge that I also signed up for - a WIP (work in progress) and WHIMM (work hidden in my mind) challenge - that should encourage me to start making quilts from all the kits I've bought over the years. My personal challenge will be to find the appropriate balance between the two, so I don't accidentally add a bunch more UFO's to that list by starting lots of new projects. Right now I'm planning to focus on UFT's and UFO's the first half of the year, which hopefully will leave me with time the second half of the year for starting new projects from kits. That sounds like the best plan right now. So In preparation for that I'm going to list my HSY's (pronounced Hussies - Haven't Started Yets) on my sidebar. The act of crossing things off was such a good motivation for me this past year that I'm counting on it working even better in 2007.

1. The chance for a new beginning
2. A clean kitchen courtesy of my husband
3. Turkey leftovers
4. A safe commute on icy roads this morning
5. An engrossing novel featuring a quilt in the story



  1. Ya know, looking at that Amish style quilt againg, I just learned a lesson on controlled scrappy!
    (I had to go all the way down the side bar!)
    Good for you on rejoining - I never unjoined, but tthese days, I don't get to Yahoo groups at all...

  2. I've been working on my list of goals for 2007 too and I'm really excited! I'm hoping to keep piecing to a minimum and work primarily on handapplique and stitchery projects. I'm also going to make a huge dent in quilting that pile of quilt tops. I'll be here cheering you on, Patti!!!

    I've been reading alot of novels with quilts in the story - which one are you reading?

  3. Of course as soon as I saw "new side bar" I went over and read the whole thing and stared for 10 minutes trying to figure out what a HSY was...should have just kept reading! Now I know. I have one of those lists too!

    I am starting to pull everything down today too as I want it all out before the 31st and I'm ready to get the house all clean and back in order so I can sit and sew with no worries about what I "have" to get done instead of sewing!!

    Have a great New Years Patti!

  4. that's quite the set of lists! Good for you to get them up since they motivate you :-)

  5. Congratulations on getting your list together...good luck with getting things done! I'm a lurker on Stashbusters and the list is so inspiring. So, what book are you reading? I just reread "The Christmas Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini. A quick read for Christmas Eve! Happy New Year!

  6. Good luck with your list of 2007 projects. At least you have everything written down and a plan :)

  7. your goals look do-able but what is a Flimsie?

  8. You never stop amazing me with the amount of energy you have! That is quite a list of HSY's, flimsies, and UFT's--and you have it all listed already! Good luck with crossing some of those items off of your list. I too am starting to look at next year's goals.

  9. Well Patti you've got me thinking once again...I'm going to make my list. I love the way you have it broken down. Sounds like the Stashbusters list is quite motivating. What novel is it that made your gratitude list?

  10. Glad you could join back up - it certainly has helped me reduce the UFOs and tidy/sort out my stash :-)

  11. Your plate looks full -- I really have to get in there and see what is on mine. I did make a list last year and promptly lost it. I konw I can visit here and see lots of fun things in 2007 *s*

  12. Other than continuing to work on my UFO list and make string quilts for the HeartStrings Project I haven't even thought about 2007 goals yet. At this point I just want to finish getting unpacked and back to quilting. Good luck on your goals and glad you rejoined Stashbuster - I've made a lot of progress thanks to the group and I've been better at limiting my fabric purchases and using what I already have.

  13. Patti~ I feel the same way you do about after Christmas ...I feel ready to get things going and a general sense of optimism! Funny after a hard week of cooking/cleaning/ and general herding of company! I'm sure a 'slug' day will hit me next week.Glad you are back on Stashbuster and nice to meet you!Beth at BZYQLTR

  14. Happy New Year Patti.

    Looks like you will be busy for 2007 - I'm looking forward to following your progress in pictures.

  15. That is quite a list Patti. Good luck with working on your goals. I have my list for 2007 on my sidebar which will motivate me to finish some of those UFOs.

    I'm also a lurker on the Stashbuster group but in the time i have been a member it has helped me to use up more of my stash rather than buy fabric.

  16. Which quilt was the 2003-2004 girl gang?

  17. Look at those goals! You go girl! I don't even want to make a list! I worry more if they are on the list! We all know I have enough to worry about instead of fun stuff! I saw your stashbuster pics the other day! I know I've seen them all before, but I still enjoyed looking at them again!

  18. I am another one dying to know which quilt in the book novel you are reading. I love them all too..especially the Elm Creek Quilt books and the Benni Harper mysteries..but others too!
    Your gratitude list is wonderful and something I should do for sure. THAT could be my new years resolution.
