
Sunday, December 17, 2006

A quilty beginning

Today I got a great start on Sophie's quilt. I didn't even try to figure out how many of each piece I needed to cut - I just cut a bunch. I figured if I cut too many I can add them to the scrap boxes, but I thought that was unlikely. Now I'm not sure. I've made bunches of flying geese unit and now I'm making bunches of half square triangle squares, but I still have lots and lots of pieces that aren't stitched to anything else yet. Time will tell I guess. I did get one block done - it's the upper left corner of the quilt. I'm going to focus on making the flying geese units and the pinwheel units, and when I have a bunch more made I'll make one block at a time working from the picture. I figure that's easier than trying to figure out how many "types" of blocks there are in this quilt and how many I need of each "type". This way I can also be assured of getting a great distribution of the various shades of purple triangles. Important, as they range from medium light to medium to medium dark, and all the way from the reddest purple to the bluest purple and even some pinky purples. I'm really liking how the fabrics are looking together. Hopefully I can continue to make progress each day - I'd really love this to be done by the time she arrives.


1. A new blade for my rotary cutter
2. A new potato recipe that's only one point a serving!
3. Christmas carols playing on our Ipod
4. Living room decorating finished
5. Four day work week coming up



  1. You have made incredible progress! I think if you continue at this rate you will finish in lots of time.

  2. Ah, Patti, you are so organized ! This quilt is going to be a beauty (I just LOVE purple), and will ready in no time.....

    Hugs & smiles,

  3. The quilt is going to be amazing! Sophie is quite a lucky little one!You are incredibly organized! Will you share your potato recipe that is only 1 point please?

  4. your system for distributing the colour makes great sense -- and somehow it always feels insipiring to me to be able to look and say "hey all the ___ are done!"...

  5. A new rotary blade is truly a wonderful thing. Why do we always wait so long to change?

  6. Hi Patti,just popping in to say "hi" *VBS* My eye is starting to feel well enough to read blogs again, and I'm so glad to be back!
    The stars for Sophie are going to be just know how i love scrap*S*
    I enjoyed seeing the pics of your day out with the gals! What a great group you make and what fun to actually be able to spend a day together. Give yourself a big hug, Finn

  7. That quilt is going to be another winner from your gifted hands...............Thanks for the inspiration

  8. I like your plan of attack! I think it willmake for a very scrappy mix and let all the colors blend well across the quilt. The purples are one of my favorites!

    I think it will go really quickly!

  9. I had to grin at your rotary cutter gratitude, because I feel the same way...I shouldn't be so miserly and wait so long to put a new one in!

  10. That is going to be a great purple quilt! I will love seeing how it comes along.

    I have my blades sharpened by Wes Jones, and so I put a sharp blade in at the drop of a hat. I did it today again. They last longer than the new ones, usually, but I love the sharpness of a fresh one!
