
Monday, December 18, 2006

Done - finally!

I finished the Christmas decorating yesterday and tonight - finally! I know you all thought it was done - but actually the only thing done were the two downstairs trees. The rest of the pictures I showed you were from a couple years ago. Everything goes in pretty much the same place each year so it now looks the same. I was all set to finish over a week ago - right after I spent all weekend finishing my last customer quilt. Unfortunately I tweaked my back bending over to tie my shoe last Tuesday morning, and pinched my sciatic nerve. I spent the rest of the week hobbling around and icing my back whenever I could - and finally gave up on Friday and went to the chiropractor. Saturday walking around with Cher and Cathi didn't help it at all, and by the time I got home I could hardly walk. Sent myself to bed with ibuprofin and felt much better Sunday. Tonight I'm almost back to normal. It's so nice to actually walk into each room and see the decorations where they are supposed to be instead of piled in heaps on every empty surface.

We have a little tree that sits on the window seat in the family room, and also stockings that match the tree skirt. Anyone remember this tree skirt and stockings? They came out one Christmas in the late '80's. The tree skirt and stockings were prequilted and easy to stitch together. I embellished the tree skirt with a coordinating ruffle and the stockings with plastic teddy bear eyes. Also available were lots of coordinating prints, plus yardage of cute square pictures that I made into little pillows, quilted hoops with ruffles around them (anyone remember those - a popular mainstay of "country decor"?), and pot holders - all to sell at my bazaar table. I think I sold several of these tree skirts and stocking sets also. I've included a picture that I took without flash because the tree is so much prettier when the lights show - unfortunately I don't have a tripod so it's a bit blurry. Theoretically this tree is supposed to be for all the homemade quilty ornaments I planned to make - but haven't made yet. So right now we use these tiny glass balls that I collected 25-30 years ago shortly after we were married.

We have one new decoration this year. I finally got around to framing this Merry Christmas needlepoint that I did in the late '70's - couldn't afford to frame it until now. I love how it looks over the piano. I tried to take a closer picture, but the flash kept reflecting off the glass.

I planned to stitch more flying geese and half square triangle squares tonight but it's after 8:00 and getting close to bed time. So I think I'll catch up on my blog reading and save sewing for another night.

Only six more days until Christmas - I still get as excited as a little child!


  1. I have a similar bear tree skirt around here somewhere. Gosh, 6 more days . . . I can hardly wait.

  2. That tree skirt sure does look familiar...I think I made a dozen of those and sold them at a craft show...isn't it funny how lots of us did the very same things...kindred spirits. 6 more days...YIPPEE!

  3. Love the needlepoint 'Merry Christmas', and I am wishing that we had a little tree like that.

  4. what a lovely needlepoint!

  5. I am glad you are feeling better. Your house looks very festive!

  6. everything looks great!! and I am like you, with most of the shopping,etc done I can settle in and enjoy the magic of Christmas!

  7. Love all the decoration, no matter what year they were from!! Like you said they go in the same place anyway. Love the needlepoint! Very pretty!

    I like to see the decorations in family rooms! They are always more personal than the fancy ones in the living rooms. Very nice Patti! Take care of the back. I have that too and know the pain it causes when it pinches!!

  8. What a cheerful little hanging that is over the piano. Looks like it might have been great fun to do that one.

    Glad your back is feeling better!

  9. love the Christmas needle point. It does look good over the piano

  10. your home looks lovely, patti!! your personal touches is what makes it that way! :o)

    Merry Christmas!!

  11. i love your framed needlepoint!

  12. Your decorations are beautiful. Want to come decorate my house? I hate doing it - but love the look!

  13. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Glad your back is better. Now to drink egg nog and relax

  14. It all looks great. Pleased to hear your back is better-imagine if you had to miss Christmas!!

  15. Surely hope that your back is on the mend. House looks quite festive!

  16. My kids think there should be a tree in every room- and it looks like you are headed in that direction! Hope your back is better- these things happen at the worst possible times, don't they? Love the cross-stitch. I can almost remember when I did that! Before quilting took over my life! Have a great Xmas!

  17. Sophie's quilt is going to be so lovely.

    I'm sure that your house must be the merriest house around to spend Christmas in - no wonder you are excited.

    Merry Christmas

  18. your home looks wonderful - after 6 days without power, I have given up on trying to finish decorating and will be happy that we have a tree and gifts and now lights and heat
    can't wait for the last mystery packet to arrive

  19. Hi Patti, what I've seen of the house looks wonderful! Such a lot of work to have so many trees, but almost everyone I know would love to do that. And doesn't.
    Glad to hear your back is a tat better. Enjoy the holidays and the time off from work. Sending big Christmas hugs, Finn
