
Thursday, November 2, 2006

Round Robins

I just got back from tonight's guild meeting, where the round robins were unveiled. Everyone was so excited to see their own, as none of them had ever done this before. What a wonderful group of quilt tops! Each one turned out beautifully, and every single owner was thrilled with their creation. I don't think I've ever seen a round robin unveiling when there wasn't at least one or two "duds" in the group. Everyone really enjoyed doing this, and each felt that they'd been forced out of their comfort zone at least once or twice and learned a lot. My co-chair for the Northwest Medical Teams quilt did appliqué on many of the rounds she did, and she has hardly ever appliquéd before. She was especially vocal about how much she'd learned. All the members who didn't participate kept "oohing" and "ahhhing" and wishing they'd decided to participate also. They are eager to try this again, but tonight the board decided we'd do something different this next year and then do a round robin the year after. Next year we are going to do a UFO challenge that should be a lot of fun. I will certainly participate in that! I'll post more details later once the chairperson passes out the guidelines at the December meeting.

Tomorrow is our Quilt Camp. It is only about 45 minutes from here at a church camp on the Lewis River. It's a perfect weekend for retreating as it's been raining buckets all day and is expected to continue all weekend. This camp is completely catered, so all we'll have to do is sew. And eat. I'll be sure to take pictures so I can share. I think there are 22 of us going. Last year many of them stayed up most of the night sewing. It's been many years since I could do that. I'll probably cave about midnight, and will probably sleep in as late as the noise will allow. Wish I could function on 2-3 hours sleep each night for a weekend, but I never could do that even when I WAS and "young thing". I didn't get appliqué prepped so I'm taking hand quilting to do. We are crowded so when I registered I said I'd do handwork instead of bringing a machine. Sure makes packing easier! I've been hand quilting this quilt for at least 5 years now - I've not worked on it for over a year I think. It's a Fourth of July quilt for our dining room table so maybe I could finish it in time for the holiday next year.

I'm not even started on packing, and I have to work until about 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, so I'd better "sign off" and get busy. I'll be back on Sunday - hopefully with lots of great pictures.


1. Good health for all of us
2. Orange halloween cocoa from Crate and Barrel
3. Happy round robin participants
4. A gift in the mail from a special quilty friend on the east coast
5. Creative quilt camp planners



  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your guild's round robins. They are all so different and all so nice. I can see why everyone was excited. It is supposed to rain all weekend here too! I can't wait to hear about the weekend and see the pictures. Have fun!

  2. Those Round Robins really did turn out wonderfully. I look forward to hearing about your UFO project...

  3. Wow, those are great. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  4. They are all beautiful. I have one RR in my ufo-box. I have not started to quilt on it yet. Have never participated in a RR before and I am so satisfied with the one I got back.

  5. Have a great time!! I've always wanted to do a round robin. Someday.

  6. Have a wonderful, wonderful time at your retreat. Will look forward to pictures. Your round robin pics were awesome. What talented gals.

  7. Wow, those are terrific round robins. I'll bet everyone had alot of fun working on those beauties.

    Enjoy your retreat!

  8. Those round robin quilts are beautiful ! I couldn't choose one among them. Everybody did a great job.
    I wish you a very happy and funny quilt camp, too ! Can't wait reading what you'll have to tell us about it.....

    Hugs and smiles,

  9. Wow, what great roundrobins!!! You're right--not a dud among 'em! Have a super time at your retreat---don't forget your camera!!

  10. You are so right - not a 'clinker' in the bunch. They are all so different.
    Have fun on your retreat -- it sounds like a great weekend.

  11. They are all lovely. It is just fun to participate in a RR, and a little bit challenging. It should be, for everybody.
    Have a nice weekend and enjoy. See you on Monday with pictures and new stories.



  13. Fantastic work of everyone in the group. Round robin is great fun and a quite an experience too. Every quilt was so different from one another, beautiful every one!

  14. Great Quilts! I have never done a guild's round robin. When you sign up to do a round robin, do you do a part of every quilt or work in teams and work on only 1 quilt?

  15. They did all turn out very well. I have such a fright about doing one of these, but you got a great groups of ladies!

  16. I participated in an RR couple of years ago. I won't do it again - it was a lot of work and the quilts I received to work on were so out of square that it was near impossible to do anything but the simplest additions to try to get them back in square.

    Your group did a fabulous job on these! Thanks for sharing them with us!


  17. Patti, I am glad to see these. I really need some inspiration for what I have to do on this last one---ugh. I am actually leaning towards some applique, believe it or not, BUT---what to do after Ms. "hasn't got a clue" got done? I'll post for suggestions before long.

  18. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead. I'm jealous.

  19. Great round robins! I can't wait 'til my guild's November meeting when we also will unveil a round of challenge quilts!

  20. Oh how beautiful!! What a group of talented quilters! Have fun on your retreat!! :o)

  21. Hi Patti, what a lovely bunch of Round Robins! I'm not one of them yours???
    They really did turn out well.
    Have a great time at quilt camp! Hugs, Finn

  22. I have my favorites, but wow! they all came out very nicely! Enjoy your time away... sounds like fun. And me - I like to go to bed at 8 with my son, 9 at the latest - he gets up early! And, I usually rest/nap when he does too. So, I wouldn't be one of the ones who stayed up all night to sew either!



  23. What great quilts, which one is yours Patti? Have fun, Nancy

  24. The round robin quilts are all stunning. No wonder everyone was pleased with them. I have two myself and they both bring back fond memories of the time I was doing them with internet friends who I never met. I wonder if there will be more participants next time your guild does a RR exchange.

  25. The round robins did turn out great! That is wonderful that they all worked so hard on them and that they turned out wonderful!
