
Thursday, November 2, 2006

November goals

I hoped to get these up yesterday, but it didn't happen. Better one day late than never!

I've been taking a long, hard look at the choices I'd listed for my November quilting goals and deciding which ones to put on my "official list". At least one of them was a must - start Sophie's quilt. After all, she is due on February 15th, which is not all that far away. Especially since the quilt must have close to a million half square triangle squares that finish at 1.5". Joseph's quilt isn't as urgent as it's looking like the soonest he could get here is May or June. I knew I wanted to keep up with the BOM's and the medallion quilt. So those things took up the first three spaces.

Choosing other items was so hard - I really want to do it all. I finally decided on the Christmas table runners - after all, they've been pieced for several years now and shouldn't take all that long to quilt. I also decided on the Warm Hearts blocks as I have no handwork prepped for quilt group times, and if I'm going to have a Christmas quilt by next Christmas I need to get it started.

I decided to stop there. I can always do more if time presents itself. I'd rather succeed with a few goals instead of having a bunch I never even started. All the other things can wait for the future.

Today is my dearest husband's 60th birthday. He isn't one to want any kind of fuss for his birthday, but I still feel badly that I'll be at guild tonight. I'd skip the meeting except that I'm in charge of the program. Board meeting starts at 6:15, so I'm hoping to take him out for an early dinner. Rebecca and Rick will come over to say hi and wish him birthday greetings, and he will spend the evening happily watching hockey on cable TV - the hockey package is his gift from all of us. Saturday the 11th all the kids can come, so that will be the official celebration of his birthday.

Tonight at guild the program is the revelation of the round robins guild members have been working on all year. You know me - always have trouble saying no. No one in the guild had ever done a round robin, so when they asked me if I could organize it for this year I said yes. This has been a brown bag round robin. Every participant brought their center square plus a journal, disposable camera and extra fabric if they desired, and put it all in a brown paper bag. I numbered all of them and kept track of which number belonged to who. Each of the "trading" meetings they brought back the one they'd finished and took one they'd not worked on before. We did five rounds, with two months for each of the last two rounds. It'll be so much fun seeing the finished projects - I'll be sure to take pictures.

The binding is now done on the Northwest Medical Team quilt. I'm eager to show it to guild tonight. Another member is making the label to stitch on. All that's left is stitching on the label and the rest of the 3-d flowers. Definitely light at the end of the tunnel! I might even get to work on something else too at the guild retreat this weekend!

Lunch is over - better get back to work now!


  1. It's good to set sensible, attainable goals -- you won't beat yourself up that way. It will be fun to see the Round Robin photos ...

  2. I can't believe you put such thought into your goal list! I always just do what I feel like - or what has to get done soon! I can't wait to see the round robin quilts!

  3. Happy Birthday to your husband. What hockey teams does he like? Maybe the Vancouver Canucks?
    They lost tonight. :(

  4. Much better goal list than I made. It gets frustrating so I think I'll think of them as guidlines. You made a very wise choice and made a do-able list!
