
Monday, October 2, 2006

October Goals

So many people are posting October goals that I decided I'd get on the band wagon. I'm not much for making lists - you'd never know that by looking at my side bar would you LOL! I pretty much keep my goals in my head and go from there. But I'm getting a big kick out of listing things in my sidebar - and being motivated by the idea of checking them off - so I decided to add an October goals list. Probably too ambitious but what the heck - if you reach for the stars you will at least land on the moon. Some of these things - the Quilt Pink quilt, the Northwest Medical Teams quilt and the Broken Dishes are things that must be done. I've been doing a good job keeping up with the BOM's and I want that to continue. Now that I'm catching up with the medallion I want to stay caught up. The rest are just things I'd like to do if I can find the time. I do have a quilting retreat in a couple weeks that will give me three full days of non-stop quilting - I'm really looking forward to that!


  1. I always make lists, throw them out and start over, or make a new list and then have 2! I give up!!!! But it would be fun to cross things off!

  2. good solid list... long... but solid :-)

  3. Good list...we're in this together so we can motivate each other.

  4. I tend to keep my list in my head too but I want to be a paper and pencil goal keeper - there really is something about crossing things off your list

  5. 3 full days of sewing!!! Oh - that has NOT happened for me in 3 years - oh wait, I have a 3 year old, LOL! Enjoy - you should be able to get tons done and have lots of fun too.

    And me, I like checking things off a list. I have a little notebook just FULL of lists - things in each house, clothes that are needed, sizes, shopping lists, grocery lists with weekly menus (for a busy week - I just repeat something I've already done!), etc. There is no way I could remember everything in my head so I write it all down.



  6. Hi Patti, still a bit under the weather, but I had to visit a few blogs...been missing all you gals so much.
    Everything looks great...Hugs, Finn

  7. Lucky you.....a quilt retreat coming up! Three full days of nothing but uninterupted quilting!

  8. Your goals sound very "accomplishable". How's that for a word? :)
    I've never been on a quilt retreat, they don't really have them around here.

  9. Wow! Your lists are long! It does feel good to cross something off the list doesn't it?

    BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Nice to "meet" you.

  10. Wow you have lots to do in the next, ummm 27 days : )
    You can do it Patti, I have faith that you will.

  11. I am not really a listmaker either, but making the monthly goal lists makes me focus more :-)
