
Sunday, October 8, 2006

All done!

This past week certainly flew by. It seemed like Friday was here before the week had even started. It was a very busy week at work, and that always makes the days pass quickly. Next week will be more of the same, with no break in my schedule to even look at things on my desk until Thursday afternoon.

I didn't have a lot of time for quilting - but did find enough to finish Broken Dishes! Finished the binding at the kids house on Wednesday night and sewed on the label this morning. I really like how it turned out - makes me almost wish it was going to grace our bed. I'm glad from my daughter and her husband to have it - the only bed quilt I've made for her is the twin size one I made when she was heading off to college. They've been married over 7 years - it's time they had a quilt on their bed! I made a "Quiltville" style back using lots of fabrics I am no longer in love with. It's a great way to use them up - no extra need be spent on quilt backing.

I did get a little appliqué done on the last Heirloom Stitches block for September - it's about half done. I hope to finish that this week. Today I must focus on finishing the borders on the Northwest Medical Teams top and getting that loaded onto the machine.

So sorry to anyone out there who is a Yankee fan - but it was so enjoyable watching Detroit leave them in the dust this weekend. Go Tigers - you deserve to win the World Series!

Now it's time to get off this computer and get something done today!


1. Rain!
2. Oakland-Detroit American League Championship series
3. A DH who happily does the grocery shopping
4. Crisp new Washington Red Delicious apples
5. A garage door opener



  1. I have loved watching this quilt develop-- I think it's extraordinary! I'm saving your photo for my inspiration file.

  2. WOW that is absolutely gorgeous you did great :) xoxo melzie

  3. Patti: I wish I was your daughter! That is one gorgeous quilt! You put a lot of work into that piece. I am sure your daughter will love it! (If not, you can send it North!)

  4. I LOVE that quilt for your daughter. I would bet that she loves it.

  5. The Broken Dishes quilt looks wonderful, both sides!! I bet your daughter will just love it.

  6. I've loved this quilt since you first started posting pictures. It looks wonderful and the pieced backing is great.

  7. Promise fulfilled for your daughter, Patti. It looks wonderful front and back and right at home.

    Ditto on the Yankees--team I love to hate and I follow the NL.

  8. Both sides of your quilt look great-even after that comment about the Yankees. LOL

  9. Patti
    The quilt is absolutely wonderful. What a treasure for your daughter and son-in-law. I'm with you on the Yankees...go Detroit!

  10. I have enjoyed watching the progress on this quilt. Great job! /paula

  11. Just beautiful.... your daughter must be thrilled!

  12. Wow - your broken dishes quilt is spectacular. Your daughter is lucky to get it and have it adorn her bed.

  13. Gorgeous broken dishes quilt!

  14. Wow, that's such a lot of little triangles! It turned out lovely. :)

  15. Lots of work in that! It looks fantastic, and reminds me to buy more yellow fabric.

  16. Oh your broken dishes turned out wonderful! You know, I bet you could get more scraps and make another one for your bed!!!! (yes I'm ducking so you don't hit me when you throw your shoe at me)!

  17. Your daughter is sooo lucky - it is such a beautiful quilt.

  18. Your broken dishes quilts is so gorgeous!! There is so much color and movement! I hope your daughter and son-in-law love it!!

  19. I have two baseball teams - the Red Sox and anyone who is playing the Yankees. Go Tigers!!

  20. The broken dishes quilt looks fantastic.

  21. As a Red sox fan, i was rooting for the Tigers!!! hope they go all the way.

  22. A beautiful quilt and a wonderful gift. They will treasure it.

  23. Hi Patti, the broken dishes quilt looks fabulous!! I almost wish it were for you also, but I'm sure it will be well loved where it is...*VBS*
    And what a good idea for the backing. I too, have many of those "former" love affair fabrics..LOL
    Keep up the great work..super that you got the Quilt Pink done too!
    Big hugs, Finn

  24. WOW what a fabulous finish!! Your daughter has to be thrilled to get this quilt! I also love the label. Did you use a stamp for the red part or did you draw that by hand? I am so glad to see that as I have the worst time with the labels! Now you have given me a fabulous idea!

  25. I, too, have been watching this quilt--glad to hear it's done. And a bittersweet good bye. At least you can visit it! This quilt is awesome! And I love how you called the backing squares "fabrics who you once had a love affair".

  26. Your Broken Dishes quilt is beautiful and I love the backing. I also have one started as a Leader/Ender Project - I only hope that mine turns out as well as yours.

  27. What a lovely broken dishes !! I am impressed !!!

  28. Patti, you get so much done ! I love the quilts. You are so good at finishing up what you start.

  29. Your BrokenDishes turned out great! Love the different sizes and great colors. Your daughter's note was really sweet! Nice to have them appreciate your hard work. Sorry about the hole in your pink quilt. I am sure you will fix it for the better!
