
Monday, October 30, 2006

October Goals

Any time I have left in October will be spent binding the Northwest Medical Teams quilt and completing the appliqué, so I figured I might as well report completion of my October goals.

I'm so very pleased with how I did - all but one of them finished! I've never before succeeded so well with goals I've sent for myself. I'm not sure what the difference was, but I think making them realistic had something to do with that. Having several days of sewing time at a quilting retreat made a big difference also. I had so much fun crossing each of them off as I finished. I'm not sure the fact that I put them out there for all to see made much of a difference - but it sure didn't hurt.

So I'm going to try the same thing for November to see whether I can make the magic work for the second month in a row. The hardest part of this for me is setting realistic goals. I always think I can get more done than I actually can - does anyone else have that problem? So here's what I'm going to try doing - I'm going to list a bunch of things here that I could put on the list for November. Then I'm going to look them through carefully today and tomorrow to try to bring some "reality" into the situation. Then I'll decide what they'll actually be on Wednesday, when I'll list them on my sidebar. We'll see how that works!

Possible goals for November:

1. Start the baby quilt for Joseph Logan
2. Start the baby quilt for Sophie Marie
3. Complete a camper bed size quilt top from the 2" squares.
4. Quilt a Christmas table runner
5. Keep up to date with the BOM's
6. Prep at least two Warm Hearts blocks
7. Finish current round on pre-1830's medallion
8. Prep border appliqué for It's a Wonderful Life
9. Finish the Perennial Patchwork top
10. Finish the Emma's Quilt top
11. Make more blocks for string quilt
12. Make blocks for Judy's and Jeanne's Gratitudes quilt from 2" squares.
13. Finish 1930's Daisy Twist quilt top
14. Start cutting to size all the scraps in the giant scrap tub

Oh boy - that's way, way too many! But I wanted to give myself lots to choose from. I need 40 hours in my days!


  1. It makes a big difference if your goals are "Smart" -- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timelined....

  2. Being realistic with goals is the true key to success. After reading the story of your 2" blocks, I got a big smile seeing how they play into your goals.

  3. Gee, Patti-you can finish them; just don't sleep until December!!! lol
    Since the year is "finishing up" why don't you choose the finishing goals? Then you won't have them hanging around anymore.

  4. I know the temps have dropped and we will be indoors a lot more in the next month but I think this list is daunting! good luck

  5. That is a long list, but what I like about it is that every item is a "finished quilt". Start a quilt . . . a short, simple thought, easy to accomplish. I think when I do my November goals I'm going to list mine like that.

  6. I don't know that's a lot to do in November. I agree setting realistic goals is key as is actually writing them down and checking them off.

    With my move looming and lots of travel in the next month and a half I'm not going to set any quilting goals - anything that gets done at this point will be a bonus. I hope to have my studio back up and running in Minneapolis in January and will get back to work on my UFO's.

  7. Now you have me thinking... that's a lot of goals but I'm a big believer in AIM HIGH so you go girl and just think of the gratitudes you will have when ticking them off!!

  8. Individually a lot of those are doable, but in aggregate - aye aye aye....

    I always think I can do more - problem is that I haven't been doing anything!

  9. That does sound like a lot to do but at least you won't get bored making yourself do something when you are itching to move to another project. I think we all overestimate how long a task might take. Just suggestions to keep us on track and try to use the available time optimally.
