
Sunday, October 29, 2006

A colorful display

Can't believe it's almost November! My October got away from me just like it did for so many other bloggers. We still haven't had a frost yet - extremely unusual for this time of year. Mostly sunny days - not much rain at all. This certainly would have been the year to grow tomatoes and still have ripe ones to eat come Thanksgiving. Because our weather has been so unseasonably warm our leaves are late turning colors. The leaves on our pink dogwood have finally turned to red. It looked so beautiful I couldn't resist taking a picture. Contrast it with our crab apple, which has hardly any leaves yet, and our sweet gum, which has just a few starting to turn. I love fall colors!

I need to clarify something about the Northwest Medical Teams auction quilt. I didn't make the quilt. I co-chaired the effort to make it and appliquéd the bottom border but that's it. My co-chair designed the quilt and chose the fabrics. She cut all the fabrics and put together block kits. Everyone in our little guild took kits home and stitches the blocks. We put the top minus borders together at a Friday sew-in last spring. Three other members appliquéd the other borders. I stitched on the borders and quilted it. The hand stitching on the binding will be a group effort, as will be attaching all the three dimensional flowers to the top and bottom borders. This truly was the work of a large number of quilters. The guild makes 1-3 quilts every year to donate to this auction. This year's was by far the most complex quilt we've ever done for our donation.


1. Hot tea with milk
2. Microhandles for my longarm made by my son-in-law
3. Fresh, clean sheets
4. A new haircut and color change
5. Pumpkins



  1. I don't think the East Coast has anything on us in the PNW when it comes to Fall colors. My vine maples are a riot of color, dog wood is full of color, ash tree is amazing. I need to get out and take a few pics to post as well.

  2. Your pink dogwood is just stunning -- how lovely to be able to see such a sight each day.

  3. beautiful pictures but I am wondering if you found some frost when you woke up this morning? the weatherman is predicting very cold mornings all week - time to bundle up under a quilt

  4. We haven't had frost yet either and we have one tomatoe plant still on the deck with a couple of tomatoes on it. And both basil bushes are still growing on the deck! Amazing fall weather but the snowboarders might not be happy.

  5. Your post reminds of home.. I grew up with sweet gums and dogwood.

  6. I honestly never knew that the colors outside the Northeast could be so brilliant except the aspens in Colorado.
    I've never even heard of a sweet gum tree. Sheltered life, I guess.
    Even though it's not your type of quilt, you didn an awesome job on the quilting. I hope it brings in lots of money for the medical teams.

  7. Oh, wonderful autumn ! Your photos are splendid !

    (ps : which color did you choose for your hair ?)

    hugs and smiles,

  8. Gorgeous fall colors!

  9. I know, can you believe it - Oct flew for me and I"m panicing how busy I am lately! Xmas will be here before I know it!
