
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Checking in

It's been almost a week since I posted - I can hardly believe that. It's been a hectic week and I've been home very little - time has really flown. It's been a struggle just keeping up with reading all your blogs, and I'm way behind reading posts on my various Yahoo Groups lists. Classes to teach and meetings to attend three of the four days at work, quilt group Tuesday night, time with the kids Wednesday night and North Star Quilters meeting on Thursday. (It was a nice break not having guild meetings in the summer - one reason I got in more quilting I think.) September brings the string of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday commitments that doesn't end until next July. I love every minute of it, but it doesn't leave much time for doing my own quilty things at home.

Now that the weather has moderated and it's tolerable upstairs in the quilt room, I've finished quilting Broken Dishes. I'll post a picture of the finished quilt when I get it bound. Right now that must take a back seat to the two baby quilts for customers, the North Star Quilters donation quilt for the Northwest Medical Teams quilt auction, and our Quilt Pink project. The first baby quilt is promised by tomorrow, so I must get that one done today.

I've spent a good deal of the weekend working on the blocks for our Quilt Pink project. North Start Quilters is having a Quilt Pink sew-in on September 30th - Quilt Pink Day. (If you don't know what Quilt Pink Day is check out the website.) We are all bringing pink and white blocks that we've sewn using the Scrapaholic block pattern, as well as 10" squares for constructing a quilt back ala Bonnie at Quiltville. At the sew in we will put all the blocks together and make the back. I figured this was an excellent opportunity to bust my stash of all the pink and white fabrics that I've had for years. Making these blocks is like eating candy - I just can't stop! I've made over 30 so far, and have cut at least 20, 10" squares, and I'm still sewing. Seems like we needed only 6-8 blocks from each of us, but I'm having too much fun to stop. Besides, I want to use up all these fabrics. At this rate I figure we can donate two quilts instead of just one.

I'll talk about our donation quilt for the Northwest Medical Team's quilt auction in a later post, as I really need to get back to sewing if I'm going to get that baby quilt done today. I hope everyone is having a terrific weekend!


1. The freely giving hearts of quilters around the world.
2. Hot tea with milk
3. My new featherweight cabinet - it's everything I hoped it would be.
4. Quilt guilds
5. Magnificent fall weather



  1. September start up seems to find many of us very scheduled. Hope you find the adjustment not too bad...

  2. Dang, Patti. Your sewing room is so organized! You should take a trip up north and do mine!

    Love your Quilt Pink Quilt.

  3. Love those pink blocks! Sounds like you are very busy! For me that starts next Monday - trying to enjoy this last week!

  4. I love those split ninepatches. I've been thinking about doing one in blues/greens and beige/tans. But now I see your pink/beige on I really like this coloring. Would make a wonderful quilt for a little girl.

  5. What a sweet quilt and for a good cause as well. Wondered what you had been up to--busy, busy, busy!

  6. You are right,Patty; to me it seems that a per annum beginnings twice, the canonical beginning of January and in September. A lot of things begin in September ;)))) Very beautiful the pink job, it is so tender.

  7. Glad to see you back blogging--I was getting worried about you!! You have really been busy! I'm watching my mailman very, very closely these days...

  8. Your Quilt Pink blocks are great. Will you post a picture of a top together when you all get one together? Would love to see it. Your sewing room is so organized...glad you're loving your featherweight cabinet. Don't make yourself crazy with all your commitments...

  9. I just love peeking into your sewing room! Don't you love the Creative Grids rulers. I love the simple black and white lines, not the fat yellow ones in the Omni's. The pink quilt is so perfect and cheery, I can see why it's hard to stop!

  10. Lovely pink blocks. I see so many ideas on blogs that I feel a bit paralyzed! Those shelves are so organised

  11. those pink and white blocks are really nice! thanks for the inspiration Patti!
    I have my small group this Thursday, so will miss seeing you. have fun!

  12. Sounds like you got your hands on a scrappy pattern that you get along well with! The resulting blocks are GREAT!



  13. Love those pink blocks. I can see how you keep going back to make more. Glad you were able to give us a quick update -- sounds like your days are full and very busy.

  14. your pink and white blocks are lovely. Sounds like you had a busy week. I'm looking forward to next week when the school holidays begin so the routine at home will be more relaxed. I hoping to have more time to get some quilty things done.

  15. very pretty pink quilt; thanks again for helping with my son's quilt.

  16. Love the pink and white blocks. Do you stop and clean between every project? You put me to shame (but what else is new?).

  17. YAY That split 9-patch really is pretty!

  18. Beautiful quilt blocks. Love the pink!

  19. I enjoy making HST myself. They can be put together in so many ways. Also are great for Leader Ender quilts. I am quite taken with your featherweight cabinet. I have been trying to convince my DSIL that he should make one for my daughter and me....... Did you have it made or can they be purchased online?

  20. It sounds to me like you are getting loads done! Look at all of those wonderful blocks!! What an accomplishment! You have a double dose of Wheaties every morning, don't you? ;o)

  21. Patti you're on a roll! My goodness your schedule sounds very busy for the next year! Aiyeee. Hope you find some time to do your thing.

    That pink and white theme is looking good. So is the baby quilt. Good luck with getting it finished!

  22. Patti, I am worn out just reading your schedule! tee hee...One can never go wrong with favorite color! and sounds like your doing all the good with it!

  23. I like the pink blocks - thought it was a split nine patch at first but then realized the center block wasn't a half square triangle. It is hard to find time for quilting when we have so many external committments. I'm hoping with no trips planned for the rest of the month I'll get some quilting in.

  24. Hi Patti, the Quilt Pink is looking great!! Can't say I don't agree that the fall weather brings us renewed energy. Great to see you buzzing through that stash again..*VBS* Hugs, Finn
