
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Well, I tried

Sometimes I can get the pictures to line up beautifully on the left side of my entry, but now and then they won't no matter what I do. So after two attempts to fix things I give up - life is too short. I apologize for the big spaces between the words. At least I was able to post pictures. When I first wrote the post this morning Blogger was refusing to post pictures at all.


  1. I find the blogger very inconsistent with the pictures. Sometimes it works and lately when it says your pictures are uploaded and I click "done" nothing happens at all. I have downloaded Picasa2 and it seems to work better. And it is better than "Hello" as you can add your comments as well. Lovely pictures of the flowers.

  2. Your flower photos makes me long even more for summer - here it is raining, raining and more raining.
