
Monday, May 22, 2006

It's "Around the Twist" after all

I planned to spend yesterday quilting with Gandalf - and that's what I did. However, as I was finishing the stitch-in-the-ditch stabilizing on my quilt I decided it just wasn't that big, and I figured I could finish it by the end of the day. Next weekend it a long weekend, and as long as I get Kathi's quilt to her by Tuesday she'll still have almost two weeks to get it bound. So I spent yesterday doing my own quilt - an old teaching sample from the very early 1990's. I did a lot of "playing" on it - drawing with my "electric needle" and just having fun. I got it all finished except for a small part of the border, which I'll be able to finish easily tonight. I hope to get the binding stitched on by machine also so I can do the hand stitching at quilt group on Tuesday. That will be a true UFO that I can cross off the list. I won't put a label on it as I'll give it to our guild charity group. I'll post a picture as soon as I've finished the binding. I'm very happy with the way the machine quilting turned out - I'm getting better with each quilt that I do!


  1. I think it is Mary who embroiders her initials and date on her charity quilts - a subtle record - you should at least do that - I always love to find a date on a quilt! Sounds like you had fun.



  2. I can't wait to see it. Make sure you show us some close-ups of the fun stitching you played with!

  3. wonderful to do some play quilting on an old ufo! way to go to treat yourself Patti
