
Monday, May 1, 2006

Making more progress

Just a quick post to share my progress on the three monthly programs I'm participating in.

The first one is It's a Wonderful Life by Jan Patek - the 2005-2006 Girl Gang quilt. I've added just a little since the last time I showed this - the fall house on the upper left and the star to the left of the house. These are the blocks through February. I still need to complete March and April's blocks.

The second is Heirloom Stitches by Lori Smith. I am so loving this quilt! I've finished several more blocks since the last time I showed it - three pieced blocks and an applique block. I'm about a month behind on this one also. I have a Whig Rose appliqué block to prep so I can take it with me on Saturday when I leave on my business trip.

The third is the Jan Patek mystery quilt. Blocks through March are finished. April's is prepped for hand appliqué. I expect to get it done too while I'm away.

My fourth monthly project - Home Sweet Home by the Blackbird ladies - has yet to be started. Three kits have arrived in the mail so far, but I'm reluctant to start it until I have these other three caught up. They would be all caught up but I sort of got involved in finishing UFT's - not a bad thing! When there are so many things I want to work on it's so hard to choose!

I finished loading a quilt of my own onto the machine, and did a little stitching in the ditch on it tonight while I watched the baseball game. It's a VERY old teaching sample - probably dating about 1992. It's of only three fabrics - a very unexciting Around The Twist. I'm going to try a lot of new machine quilting techniques on this one, then donate it to the guild Caring and Sharing Tree committee.


1. Our digital camera
2. Our scanner that allows me to share non-digital pictures
3. A few new clothes for my trip to Dallas where it's going to be WAY hotter than I like
4. New jeans that fit!
5. My antique treadle sewing machine



  1. Patti, everything is looking so beautiful! You get so much done even with working full amaze me! And YAH for finding some clothes that you like and fit!! :o)

  2. I wish I had your back bone on monthly projects ! Good going :-)

  3. Good going! You've gotten more done than I have, that's for sure - and I don't work outside the home, either! Love the Girl Gang the best!

  4. LOVELY!! special the basket applique . what a great pattern !!

  5. What a lot of fun BOMS you have going! I did one through the mail and enjoyed it. As soon as I have it quilted and finished I'll have to join another!

  6. Oh Patti! Your mystery blocks are wonderful! I'm loving this mystery so far. You keep tempting me and I'm soooo far behind on stuff!!! Even reading blogs!!

  7. Your work is just stunning! I'm in love with all of them! And you're such a motivator! Great job!

  8. way to go on those bom's...and quilting on an oldie one too! are you sewing on your treadle at all? I was very bad and put my slide plate and shuttle case in such a safe place...I have no idea where! I will use my treadle once those necessary items re-surface!

  9. Love your block of the month projects. I have several Lori Smith patterns in the some-day-soon pile!


  10. Your blocks are all looking fabulous. They will be beautiful when finished. Good on you for waiting to start the other one LOL. Your scenery photos are just stunning!
