
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Milestone reached

I'm very happy to report that I've finished every customer quilt in my possession! I've even got the back of one of my own quilts loaded on the machine. That feels so good!

I leave you with another spectacular view of Washington State - and of my very dear husband Fred. This is the view from Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park on the Olympic Penninsula. These are uplift mountains, and aren't as tall as Mt. Rainier and the other dormant volcanoes of the Cascade mountain range.



1. A beautiful blue sky with a few cotton ball clouds
2. Left over Chinese food for lunch
3. A Jamie Moyer win and an Eddie Guardado save
4. Freshly edged flower beds
5. The smell of new mown grass



  1. Thamks for the quilt show. & the mountain vistas. I remember being one of those who wondered who "Gandalf" was exactly...

  2. oh, love the view of that photo and what a handsome dh. Hurray for finishing all customer quilts! and moving on to your own. I know you have lots of your own tops many do you plan on quilting? so glad to hear you are back in the quilting groove.

  3. Beautiful view and beautiful fella!

  4. Happy dancing for you, Patti getting your pay projects moved along! Bet that is a good feeling.

  5. pat yourself on the back for accomplishing so much !
    Love the picture. Such a great view

  6. Very good going on finishing your customer quilts :-)
