
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all you moms in blogland a very Happy Mother's Day! My hubby is on the golf course - perfect because it lets me spend the morning quilting. We're going out to breakfast when he returns, and then our kids are coming over in the afternoon. A perfect day!

Blogger is cooperating this morning so I'm posting more pictures from out quilt show. I loved this first quilt, which was made for a second grade teacher. What a clever way to include the handprints of all her students!

This second quilt took first place in our guild challenge this year. The challenge was to make a monochromatic quilt. I think there might have been more to it than that, but since I didn't participate I can't remember for sure. I also didn't get to see the program when all the challenges were shown and their stories told, as I was in Indianapolis Indiana for work.

The third quilt I posted for all you cat lovers out there. It is a friendship row quilt.

I loved the bright colorations and clever construction of the flowers in this quilt. The puffy clouds in the sky look almost real, don't you think?

It looks like blogger doesn't want any more pictures in this post, so I'll publish this one and try another.


1. Special cards from my hubby
2. Robins singing outside my window.
3. Strong hot tea with milk
4. A bundle of cheddar, yellow and turkey red fabrics - Lancaster County by Judie Rothermel - all tied up with a bow
5. A new quilt book to read



  1. i love it when blogger is nice and lets people post lots of photos !
    Fantastic quilt with the little hand prints. Wish I had done something like that when my children were small. but now I can use the idea when grandchildren arrive

  2. great photos..thanks Patti!

  3. Thanks for sharing the cat quilt, I want to do something similar so that I can actually use all of my cat patterns...

  4. Sounds perfect to me, love the pictures..*VBS*
