
Saturday, May 13, 2006


I can't believe I forgot to post my gratitudes! I leave for 6 days and I forget what I'm supposed to be doing!


1. Safe plane trips to Dallas, Texas and back. I may be getting used to flying after all - something I never thought I'd say.
2. A wonderful, productive conference - ASTD 2006 International Convention
3. Renewed enthusiasm for my job
4. New shoes and a box of fabric waiting for me when I got home.
5. Mockingbirds singing every morning outside my hotel room.
6. Cool weather in Washington with little or no humidity!
7. Fondue restaurants
8. My own comfortable bed - and a dog and husband to share it with
9. A very capable "other half" at work so I didn't have to worry about my department while I was gone.
10. Beautiful rhododendron blooms outside my kitchen window.


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