
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Handspun yarn can be so mysterious!

Now that I'm knitting with my own handspun yarn, I've discovered how much fun it is.  I don't know why I waited to long to do this! Sometimes, as is the case with my current projects, it can be such a mystery!

Here is the fiber I spun - 8 oz. of Blue Faced Leicester, a long staple breed with considerable shine in the fiber.  It was hand painted by one of my favorite dyers - Crown Mountain Farms - who unfortunately has closed down due to a move back to Germany.  This colorway is called "Finding Rainbows".

I didn't try to do anything fancy with the colors.  I just split the long strip in thirds lengthwise and spun it onto three bobbins.  Then I plied the singles into a 3-ply

You can see in this picture that the skein had two different coloring throughout the yarn.  One is primarily a forest green and dark purple.  The other is yellow greens and a redder purple.  

I knit these fingerless mitts from yarn pulled from the center of the yarn cake.  They are the forest green/dark purple coloring for the most part.  The yellow green started creeping into the mix half way up the right glove.

I'm knitting this scarf from the outside end of the yarn cake.  Looks like an entirely different yarn, doesn't it!  As the scarf progresses the colors will move from one blend to the other.  I can hardly wait to see how it will look when it is done!


  1. Patti - I have to admit I'm fascinated! I buy my yarn from a lys and have never considered making my own. Quilting is my main passion ( :) ) and knitting is mostly a scarf thing for me. I have to admit, though, that you have me intrigued! The colors in your yarn are beautiful and I love your mitts!

  2. Wow! I had no idea that fluffy dyed wool wasn't already the yarn and then you turned it into utter beauty followed by the awesome finished product. I am so impressed. Great work!

  3. Lovely job og spinning that fleece. I think the scarf will be so original--hugs, Julierose

  4. That is so cool. Love all the colors in that yarn!

  5. The yarn is just utterly gorgeous! I bet spinning is so fun to see how it will turn out from the "raw" material. Another dimension to the knitting hobby. I can see why spinning has you hooked. It's just a beautiful piece. I guess knowing what the resulting fiber will look like comes with time.
