
Monday, October 14, 2013

Six done - six to go

Today I actually got dressed and left the house (dinner out).  I had more energy than I've had for almost two weeks though I had to take frequent rest breaks throughout the day.  This allowed me to get back to cutting and machine sewing.

I need to finish 12 blocks in 30's fabrics - six each using two block patterns from the 30's - and get them mailed by the end of the month for a block swap on the 30's yahoo group.  Today seemed like a good day to start.  My two blocks were in an old book and used templates.  Easy peasy - just measure the templates for rotary cutting directions.  Whoops!  Both blocks contained quite a few measurements that included 16th's of an inch.  Ick!  I'd already started the first block in which 3 of the five shapes measured X x/16".  I forged ahead and finished one and it turned out OK.  It actually wasn't that hard to cut half way between two of the eighth-inch markings.  The block is called "Tea Party", and is in this book, published in 1988.  I'm very pleased with how these turned out!

These fabrics are bright!
Oh my goodness - as I was typing the caption I see the lower center block has an "oops"!  Bet that was the last one I finished.  I knew I was too tired to forge on - why don't I ever listen to my body?

Here is what is left.  I'll deal with this mess tomorrow.  (And I'll fix that block.  If I'd not looked at the picture I never would have noticed that!)


  1. Very pretty Tea Party quilt...good use of those retro florals...your mess looks like a normal day in my studio haha! Hugs, Julierose

  2. Love the brightly colored blocks. Have fun working on them.

  3. Very fun, cheery blocks. Lucky recipients!!

  4. Wow, such cheerful fabric. Beautiful work. Hope you have more energy tomorrow.

  5. It took me a while to find the oops. I don't think I would have noticed it. :-)

  6. I love swaps and your blocks are great. i have been in so many swaps that right now I am making quilts with them so I can enjoy the blocks. I hope you get a great selection back. did I say I love swaps!!

  7. I'm new to your blog and am just "catching up". I wanted to chime in and say that very often I don't notice when an element of a block is turned around until I look at a picture of it. When I am holding the block I simply don't see the reversal; it's not until I am looking at the image that it jumps out for me. I wonder why that is? I don't think I am the only one for whom this is the case, and your blog post made me feel a bit better about this.
