
Monday, August 5, 2013

What do you like to read?

As an adult it has often been so hard to fit reading into my life between other hobbies.  I sometimes go through days and days when all I want to do is read.  Then I'll get back to quilting and won't read again for months.

Enter audio books - the perfect solution! I LOVE listening to books while I sew.  To me it is the best of both worlds.  (Between the two they also keep me up WAY later at night than I should be up!)  I'm always looking for new authors. 

I've decided to share what I've been reading this past year or so, and am hoping for lots and lots of comments with suggestions of new books and authors.  Here are the books I've loved the most so far.

Together, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child write some of the best scientific thrillers ever written IMHO.  I adore the character of Aloysius Pendergast especially, and there are now 12 books in the series.  They each write books by themselves which I enjoyed immensely.

Just recently I've discovered the "Sigma Force" series by James Rollins.  Yesterday I finished the 9th and last of the series.  I'm eager to try his individual adventures next.

I'm late coming to this series, but now, like the rest of the world, I'm eagerly awaiting the next one.

The last book in Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time series has finally been published, so I listened to all the others in order before listening to this one.

I reread every book in every book in the the "Word and the Void" and "Shannara" series written by Terry Brooks because I wanted to read them in chronological order.  I have all the books published so far in the new series, "The Dark Legacy of Shannara", but haven't yet read any of them.  Soon!

I also reread (by listening) to the entire "Pern" series by Anne McCaffery and her son.  Another series I wanted to read in chronological order.  Now I'm ready to read the newest of the books.

As a young married woman with small children I loved to read historical romances and Gothic novels.  I've not read any of those for many, many years.  Now I love scientific thrillers, mysteries, fantasy, and current novels (when I'm not reading any of the others).

Please share your favorite books with me!  I'm looking for lots of new authors to read.


  1. Have you read any of Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER series? They are amazing. I'm listening to the 5th one I think...Echo in the Bone. That's for my car for the daily commute. At home I am reading Game of Thrones too.

  2. Ditto for Diana Gabaldon. I love her books. I, too, think that audiobooks and quilting are perfect for each other. I used to say that I listen to audiobooks while I quilt, but now I say that I quilt while I listen to audiobooks! It is a subtle difference, but one anyway.

  3. Well I was going to say Diana gabaldon's outlander series. I loved them! I read them all and then listened to them all on cd. The reader is amazing for these books.

    My other suggestion is The Shoemakers Wife by Adriana Triggani (sp?). That was excellent on cd.

    And one last series I just read and am loving is The Hangmans Daugter by Oliver Potzsch (this is the first one). Someone suggested this one to me and I loved it! On the 4th one right now.

    I'm assuming you read pillars of the earth and world without end?

  4. you MUST pick up "3 graves full" as is a mystery with a twist! a debut novel and a keeper for sure.. and 2 contemporary mysteries are "defending jacob" and "the end of everything"....psychological mysteries

  5. I am just startin to read "The Relic" and loving it--thanks for the tip on Preston/Childs is sppktacular (lol) Hugs, Julierose

  6. I have read almost all the Preston/Child books. Also Ann McCaffery. I've been reading her books since the 1970's.

    I love CD books, especially when I'm sewing/quilting. I usually get a couple of CD books at the Library every couple of weeks. Used to listen to them on the way to work before I retired.

  7. Forgot to add the Terry Goodkind series of the "sword of truth". A great series. Discovered on vacation one year when we were looking for Books on Tape to play while on road trip. After hearing the 1st in the series, our whole family was hooked and we have now read the whole series. Passed my books to a grand-daughter who is enjoying them now.

  8. Hi Patti,
    You should try Jim Butcher! I read everything he writes - he has two great series: Harry Dresden & Codex Alera. Fabulous :)

  9. Hi. I would suggest something but I don't think we read the same genre. The Shoemakers Wife is a good book and so are some her other one. Love seeing what you are doing. Dottir
