
Monday, June 24, 2013

We are home again

 On Wednesday morning we hitched the tent trailer to the Highlander and took off for a 5-day camping trip.  This time we  went to La Pine State Park - 27 miles south of Bend, Oregon, in the high desert.  This was our "anniversary trip" to celebrate 44 years of marriage.  When I made the reservations the extended weather forecast called for temperatures in the 70's, with the weather getting warmer each day.  Instead the temps were in the 60's with a cold wind blowing, and rain at night.  Finally on Saturday the skies cleared and the warm weather arrived, followed Saturday night and Sunday by rain.  We aren't having the best of luck weather-wise this year!

Nevertheless we had a great time.  We went into Bend on Friday for an anniversary dinner at Balthazar's Mexican Seafood Restaurant (no website).  We had one of the most fabulous eating out experiences we've had in a long time!  We went into town early enough that I was able to visit all three Bend quilt shops - fun!

I focused on big stitch quilting while there, and was able to finish another quilt top and start quilting a fourth.  It feels so good to be getting so much accomplished!  Once I finish quilting the fourth quilt - the one I'm doing now - I'll get them all bound.  I should be able to do that by the end of the month even if I don't accomplish anything else.

Angel Dance, designed by Jan Patek

 I'm feeling the desire to applique again, so I've tucked the featherweight into the bottom of its cabinet and put the table top into place on the top.  I hope to prep a bunch of applique this week  in addition to quilting and binding.


  1. This looks like a beautiful spot - what a shame about the weather. it sounds like you are really enjoying getting those quilts done - have fun vcompleting more!!

  2. The weather has been quite unpredictable this year everywhere. It seems the weather guys cant keep up with the way it is changing. We have terrible rains in Canada, and my hubby and I are in France right now and it has rained every single day for over a week now! Love your little quilt. I really must get back to my hand quilting...Happy Anniversary by the way.

  3. i like jan patek's newest, the red/cream...can't recall the name...i saw on her blog. and know what you mean about applique...i am nearly addicted now that i'm doing this row quilt...can't wait to see what develops on your end!

  4. Wow 44 years!! That's fabulous, congratulations to you both! Glad you're getting so much done , you sound happy.
