
Saturday, June 29, 2013

The best laid plans . . .

aren't going to happen - at least for now.  We are having a heat wave here in the Pacific Northwest, which is almost unheard of in June.  It comes with a humidity index far above normal.  Yesterday was 89 degrees, but with the humidity it felt at least 10 degrees higher.  By Monday and Tuesday we are predicted to hit 99 or even higher.  And we have no air conditioning.

All this means that work in the sewing room is almost at a standstill.  The last thing I want to do is turn on the iron.  It is amazing how quickly an iron can send the temperature in the room skyrocketing.  So much for the applique prep I planned to do.  So much for making binding.  At 10:30 last night it finally cooled off enough for me to tolerate fabric on my lap, so I started quilting another quilt.  Thursday night I finished quilting the fourth quilt this month, but binding will just have to wait, as it is 95 degrees upstairs in the room where my Pfaff and its walking foot live.

So, while I wait for the temperatures to revert to normal, I'll just post some pictures.  The first is the quilt I just finished quilting.  Instead of an all-over grid, I did a background grid with applique details quilted.  The curving quilting on the flag gives the illusion of movement.  I'm amazed how quickly I finished this.  The border quilting isn't white - I've not yet sponged off the chalk.

Visiting the three quilt shops in Bend, Oregon was a highlight of our camping trip last week.  I started my stash of batiks in anticipation of combining them with reproductions for the "Edyta Sitar" look.

I also purchased a nice selection of beautiful hand dyed Prescentia "Finca" threads, something I've wanted for some time.  I'm using them to hand quilt the small quilt started last night.

On Thursday I kept my friend Kim company on a trip north to "Momma Made It" - our favorite quilt shop in Longview Washington.  Of course I took advantage of the opportunity to fill a couple holes in my stash, and add to my growing batik collection.  Sharon, the owner, has added batiks to the reproduction fabrics that are the backbone of her shop offerings.  I can tell right now - it is going to be hard to keep track of what batiks I've already purchased so I don't duplicate any on future quilt shop trips.

I see a blue quilt in my future with either sashings or alternate setting squares of cheddar - I'm just not sure what quilt block I want to base it on.


  1. Gorgeous batiks! You know, you can pick up a window unit air conditioner for not too much money - a small one for just the sewing room - something to consider. :0 Of course, we have central air in Texas, which is good because it was 103F yesterday and the hot season has just gotten started. Fortunately, as long as I can escape it indoors, I actually love the heat. You're right about the iron, though - it really heats up the room MUCH more than you would expect.

    Stay cool,
    Susan in hot & sunny Texas

  2. OH NO I didn't realize this heat wave was affecting you too. I agree having the iron on was tough this past week. hopefully our heat wave will break soon, at least the humidity I would be happy if that went away.
    love the first quilt, really cute.
    threads look great, nice you can add to your collection in person around here we have to mail order them

  3. Tour de Fleece starts today! You could always take your wheel somewhere cool and spin! I'm hoping to get a little time in on that but the heat makes it good napping weather.

  4. high temps...oh my! keep cool...and it does kill the sewing urge for sure. love the fabrics and thread...can't have too many batiks i say, even if they get duplicated...and my fave repro shop is having a sale and guess who is going....LOL

  5. I'm in AZ and it hit 121 at my house today. We lived in Oceanside, CA for 10 years and didn't have AC. I hated this time of the year! I ended up buying a portable AC that I could wheel around the house. LOL
