
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yes, I'm still here

I've not posted for several days as I've not had much to show for the time in my sewing room.  I've been sewing more "backing fabric" - yards and yards of it - and it seemed silly to post again about that.  I finally finished it all last night, adding another 3 "bolts" to the stack on top of the fabric shelves. 

Today I started working on the laundry basket full of smaller pieces that didn't go back onto the shelves.  These are older pieces than aren't full fat quarters or are odd sized.  I'm cutting them up into usable size pieces using Bonnie Hunter's system.  This is a work in progress as I'm eager to get back

real sewing.  I'll work on these for an hour or two at a time until I'm finished.  This time I will use them in a timely manner, unlike all the scraps I cut a few years ago which finally went to charity.


Last week was an interesting one to say the least - a perfect example of the "rule of threes".  The computer desk chair became hazardous to sit in, followed the next day by the vacuum giving up the ghost.  About that same time we decided our backs could no longer stand sleeping on our old mattress.  These things happened the day after I did our taxes and discovered we needed to pay after all.  Much money was spent, so it is a very good thing I've taken a "no buy" pledge.

This coming week should be interesting also, as I've been called for jury duty.  I need to report to the courthouse at 8:15 Monday morning, which means I need to leave home by 7:15 to be assured of a parking space.  No needles or scissors of any kind may be brought into the courthouse, including knitting needles.  I will need to find a very good book to read.  I hope to be called the first day, whether or not I actually serve on a jury, because then I'd be done for the week. 

Tomorrow I'm going to work on the little quilt I cut out before all this cleaning and organizing started.  I figure I deserve to reward myself.  Hopefully I'll have a finished top to show tomorrow night!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

1.  Leftovers for an easy dinner
2.  Rain, which held off until just after Joseph's t-ball game
3.  Morning coffee with a friend


  1. Hope your jury duty is over quick especially if you're not allowed to knit!!

  2. I love that idea of making backing fabrics! I am going to usurp that one and do it myself while cleaning out my stash...thanks Julierose

  3. Hi I've just found your blog I read all about you organizing your fabrics, what a thrill to see such a really lovely "quilt shop" in your home. It must be so cool to be able to "shop" at home from your own fabrics.
    My sewing room could be lovely maybe not as well stocked as yours but lovely none the less
    We have a small home that's what I wanted its just right for us but I didn't know that I'd get so into sewing for grandchildren, quilting, sewing crafts you know spend so much time and $ on sewing things.
    I filled up my sewing room so much so I can't get to anything in it .... Oh there is lots of room in there had I done the filling neatly but I didn't I just needed a place to put things as the car needed emptied or the bedroom so I put everything in the sewing room
    So I used the garage to sew in worked well until ... Mind you I can't get into the sewing room so I re bought all the things I needed and more.... Having not learned that I have to enter that room and get it so I can go in and be happy with my space
    Now the garage is like a bomb went off and again I can't get in
    Now I am sewing on the kitchen table
    My husband is a saint he seems to know I have to sew
    I don't know how to get that sewing room in shape I can't move things out of it there is no room to put anything that I might take out of there to organize... Especially since that dear husband has seen me try to and what ended up happening is not only the sewing room full but the garage too.
    I am thinking I need to come into so money and hire a crew and a tent ( in the yard) to empty out the sewing room
    Get rid of the bunk beds and a few other furnature pieces buy or build shelving and put the room together
    Then do the same with the garage
    Because now I know so much more of what I need to use for my craft and what I don't need to hold on to just in case because I might not
    1. Find one of these again
    2. Might not be able to afford one
    Now I know I don't have to have it I can use want I do have and it'll be okay
    It's a wreck now and I truely don't know how I can unwreck it without moving the mess to other rooms
    I've learned that just makes other wrecked rooms for me and doesn't work out
