
Monday, April 1, 2013

Out of order . . . chaos . . . then order

After spending the morning trashing my sewing room I spent the afternoon bringing back order one shelf at a time.  Tonight there is a total of six shelves - it is a beginning anyway.

First were the greens.  By doing those I could create a little more work space.  The top shelf holds the reproductions, and the bottom two shelves are "everything else green".  I have room for more reproduction greens - hooray!

Above the greens are the pinks.  Only one shelf of them.  The left stack contains the reproductions, and the center and right stack are not.  Looks like I need to be on the lookout for some double pink reproduction prints.

The blacks are above the pinks.  Not much here either.  The stack on the right contains reproductions.  I need to keep my eyes open for some good black and gray reproduction prints.

The last color to be organized today was purple-lavender - and that stash is pitiful.  Purple-lavender is a challenge in that it is really two colors.  I guess I could call it my lavender stash and my purple stash.  No matter what you call it, it is still pitiful.  You'd think I don't like purple - I love purple!  So that must mean that (1) I've used most of my purple, (2) I never think to buy purple, or (3) purple is hard to find in quilt stores.  And I do mean purple - I rarely use lavender in my quilts.  I think the answer is (3) - so I definitely need to search for more purple reproduction fabrics. 

I could have accomplished more after dinner, but I was really tired from moving all that fabric around.  So I was in my sewing room, but I had my sewing chair tilted back, my feet on a stool, and my hand quilting in my lap.  After all, tonight was the opening game of the 2013 baseball season for my Saturday Mariners.  And I'm happy to say they won, defeating Oakland 2-0.  The bull pen made it uncomfortably exciting in the last two innings - thank goodness they didn't spoil King Felix's great first outing.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 

1.  Sweet, clear birdsong waking me early, as our evening was so warm I had the window open.
2.  An unexpected visit from our SIL Rick and the best of all grandsons, Joseph.
3.  Hugs and kisses from Joseph.
4.  A Mariner win


  1. looking good isn't it amazing to see what you really have in certain colors? yup looks like your low on some of the same colors I am

  2. Blacks and purples are SO hard to find! But your shelves look amazing now! Woohoo!

  3. I have stash envy! Looks fantastic!!!

  4. All the work was worthed, it looks great!
