
Monday, April 15, 2013

Jury duty done for today

I left home at what seemed like the crack of dawn - 7:15 - this morning.  I've been staying up later and later these days because I just don't want to stop what I'm doing.  Whether it is spinning, knitting, or working on a quilt, it is just hard for me to stop to go to bed.  So what that alarm rang at 6:30 am it seemed like the middle of the night.

I was sure I would serve on a jury today, as I was #10 in the group.  I was excused, however, from what was expected to be a three day trial.  Hooray!  I still have to call in every evening, but shouldn't need to report again this week.  Happy dancing - I'm much happier in my sewing room than I'd be in a courtroom, especially for three days!

This coming weekend is the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival in Hood River, Oregon.  This is its third year, and I've gone every year to shop.  I'm taking classes this year, and I'm very excited about that.  The first class - Saturday afternoon - is Knitting Ergonomics.  I'm having no trouble knitting since being given the doctor's OK at the end of February, but tips will still be most valuable.

Sunday morning I'm taking a class called "Spinning for Colorwork".  Here is the class description:

"Colorwork projects are very popular right now. In this class we will look at how you can use your handspun yarns in some of the gorgeous patterns available right now. We will be spinning and looking at the difference between 2 and 3 ply yarns, thick yarns versus thin, flat versus round. We will also look at how to spin a multi-colored roving to achieve the end result you want for knitting color work patterns. There will be swatches to look through and there will be a swatch pattern available for you to knit samples with the yarns you spin. This is a great exercise to add to your spinner's project book."

I need to have at least one ounce each of three or more colors spun into singles for class work.  So today I'm spinning away, and will probably be doing so tomorrow and Wednesday also.  I have so many pretty colors of dyed roving it will be hard to pick just three.  Here are the colors I'm starting with.

Once these are spun I'll get back to quilting - definitely Civil War Diary blocks this time. 


  1. Those colors are gorgeous! And those classes sound like a lot of fun! Enjoy!

  2. So pleased about the jury duty. Your course sounds very interesting.

  3. These colours look yummy! Beautiful work!
