
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Computer-aided dyeing and a plain vanilla sock pattern = a fabulous pair of socks.  A pair like this goes so fast I can whip through it in only 2-3 days.  I love hand knit socks!

Red Heart "Heart and Sole" yarn, 2.5 mm needles (size 1.5).  This yarn can be found at most craft stores like JoAnn's, is quite inexpensive, comes in beautiful colors, and wears like iron.


  1. I have friends who knit socks, but that's one thing I've never learned how to do. I've heard that the yarns are fantastic! Yours turned out really cute!

  2. they look great! I love seeing how the yarn changes as you knit , amazing isn't it?

  3. Wow, they are wonderful!!! My mother, who is a very good knitter, but who won't knit me socks, is coming to stay for several weeks in June. I shall show her your beautiful socks, explain my boots are too big and try and cajole her into making some and teaching me ho to knit them too!! :)

  4. You are doing so well to have as many things done that you want to have done!!! Good for you!!! Love the socks!!

  5. Love your whimsical socks. Too cute for shoes!

  6. Love that pair. I finally found a book, purchased yarn and needles, and have one whole row knit! Thank you for your encouragement. I think it will take me three months, not three days!
