
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Back to cutting . . . .

since I'm feeling better today.  Thanks for the feel good wishes you sent.

And a huge thank you to Jo C. who sent me a check to help pay for give away postage.  I really appreciate that Jo!

I'm continuing to cut for the new quilt - almost done now.  I should finish today.

I'm cutting extras of almost everything so I can replenish my "parts" boxes.  I know why I never used what I had before - it was all OLD fabric that I really didn't like anymore.  I gave all those OLD scraps for charity quilts.  Now I'm calling them "spare parts" since they really aren't scraps.  So far I've eliminated two fabrics from my shelves.  A small beginning but a beginning nevertheless. 

So far the boxes are labeled 1 1/2" squares, 2" squares, 2 1/2" squares, 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" bricks, and small strings.  As I organize fabric and cut out more quilts I'll fill the boxes.  It will be like having shelves of "quilt kits".

Yesterday I spent the day on the couch going through two shelves of quilt history books.  I used 3 packages of Post-It page markers.  Lots and lots of new ideas are percolating in my brain.  I had a great time even though I didn't feel up to sewing.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

1. Waking up feeling almost well
2. Waking up to blue sky and sun streaming through the window
3. A golf tournament keeping DH happily engaged away from home for the day


  1. No, thank YOU, Patti! I've pulled out about ten "gotta do these now" patterns. I'm beside myself! And boy, you've been saving those patterns for a long time!

  2. Glad you are feeling better; I am still leafing through those applique patterns from you and "drooling"..your cutting "kits" sounds like a great idea. I also have shelves of "unused" fabrics from long ago....Have a super Holiday...Julierose
