
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Three hobby mess

Here you see Lady Ashley, my first spinning wheel on the left.  She is a castle-style wheel made by Ashford in New Zealand.  The model is called "The Traveller", which is strange because she doesn't travel well.  The purple is a beautiful merino-silk that I'm spinning.  You can also see three baskets of spinning wheel bobbins.  A blue tub of fiber and fiber braids strewn on the floor is the result of choosing something to spin today.  Behnind Lady Ashley you can barely see my hand quilting project in its hoop.  My applique basket is just to the left of the fiber tub.  The large blue tub on the far right is full of sock yarn, and current knitting projects are in the basket on top of this tub.

My cutting table is covered with fabric to be cut, a quilt top, patterns for the doll dress and apron, a blue tray with a small wool project, and a notebook and folders with several years of Jo's Little Women's Club handouts.  At the far end of the table is my large drum carder, used for making carded batts from short fibers which are mostly from the sheep fleece I've purchased.  

What a mess!  If you've been reading my scribblings for a good while you know I like neatness and order while I work.  I'm certainly not achieving it here!  I wonder how long I can stand to work like this?

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