
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I've been fighting this nasty cold for 10 days now, and I didn't think I felt up to getting out the light box to mark this for the stitchery.  However, after I posted I decided it would be really silly to put away the top without really finishing it.  I'm glad I did!  It went fairly quickly and now is a truly complete top.

The floss is from Weeks Dyeworks.  "Bark" is variegated from dark, cool, brown to dark, cool green.  The change in color doesn't really show up on the quilt however, which is too bad because the shading is beautiful.

Edited to add:  I realized after I went to bed last night that I'd forgotton to give Peter an eye.  I'll take care of that in the next couple days.


  1. I just found your blog by way of Spiral J's blog and I'm so glad I did. :) Hmmmm, love the purple in your cast---so sorry you're having to wear the color in that way. :/ Lovely family, tho. :) And I have to tell you I am IN LOVE with this churn dash rabbit block---what pattern are you using for this and the one in your most current post? If it's still 'for sale' somewhere I will be FORCED to purchase it/them. LOL

  2. I've got this pattern too. I pulled it out last year and didn't make it. I really should do it this year!
