
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Weight loss journey - December report

When I last posted on August 5th, I'd just reached my Weight Watcher goal the week before. And I was really worried about what I'd weigh when I got back from the cruise. It actually wasn't bad - I gained less than 5 pounds and it came off the next week easily. Must have been the exercise, because I certainly ate well! I did try tomake a lot of good choices - but never turned down dessert.

I made Lifetime 6 weeks after I reached my goal. I wasn't at goal any more, but I was within the 2 pound allowance above goal. Lifetime meant I didn't have to pay as long as I stayed within that 2 pound leeway. I did fine until last week, when I went to .6 of a pound above goal. That was my official weigh-in for December (lifetime members need weigh in on the first meeting of each month unless they go over the 2 pounds above goal). So I had to pay. Today I paid also - not only am I struggling with food now that the holidays are here, but I dressed for the weather as I refused to be cold. When I got up this morning the temperture was at 2.3 degrees. That's the coldest weather I've ever experienced, and is WAY below normal for our area. So I must have had at least an extra 5 pounds of clothes on. I just couldn't wear my summer weight weigh-in clothes - if I had I would have frozen to death!

And this is the first update on my life LOL!


  1. so good to see a post from you...
    you will lose it before you know it.
    thats cold!
    we have had 2 snow storms in the past week, windy and cold but not that cold!
    are you knitting? quilting?

  2. Oh, Patti, it was good for me to read a WW update; I have been "strayed" from the WW road for so long. Good encouragement.

  3. When I first starting reading blogs, yours included, it was for the quilting. But now what keeps me coming back is the friendship, encouragement and sharing of our lives that brings me back.

    Chock the last weigh in up to the winter clothes. You look amazing! don't let the scale make you too crazy!!

  4. Wow! Good for you! The hardest part of losing weight is keeping it off and you are doing it!! Did you watch The Biggest Loser this week? What an inspiration for all of us...some of the contestants lost over 200 lbs! They looked fantastic! Now the hard part...the cameras are turned off and they have to maintain. Good luck to you! Keep it up!

  5. I had my annual exam this week and I planned it so I could go down there is exercise clothes (very lightweight with a heavy coat) and then come home and change for work. I just could not bear to see those extra 5lbs on the scale this week.

  6. Wow that's freezing over there. It was so hot here in Oz that I took some clothes off to do the vacuuming. I figured nobody could see me, lol. You are doing great with WW after a cruise. Good to have you back blogging.

  7. You are inspiration...I made lifetime, then proceeded to eat my way up twenty pounds! But, a great thing...weight watchers is free at our hospital in this new year. I am going!!

  8. Does your WW center have a bathroom? What I used to do in the winter was wear what was warm & then go into the bathroom & change into my "weigh in clothes". . got weighed in the same clothes every week. After getting weighed in I would change back into my warm clothes & attend the meeting.

    Thought that you might find that helpful. . .especially for saving money.

  9. Congrats! I have ten pounds to go till I reach goal - wish me luck!

  10. so are you going to post this year?????
    looking forward to seeing what you have been working on and of course we need to see updated pictures of those grandchildren!

  11. Hi Patti !
    I miss you and hope you are well!
