
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yes, I've been a bad blogger

Looks like the last time I posted was my birthday. Once again I've been involved elsewhere, with very little time spent on the computer these last weeks. I've been doing next to no quilting - just cooking, reading cookbooks, reading other books, gardening a bit, and running around a lot. Everything is fine. Our daughter is doing well. I'm back to watching Joseph two days a week, with more now and then when his other grandma and family need time off. I've taken Joseph to visit Sophie and Lily, spending the morning at the park. I really have no excuse for not blogging!

Thanks so much to those of you who wrote asking me whether or not everything is OK. Right now I'm headed north to Jo's Little Women's Club at my favorite quilt shop - Momma Made it in Longview, WA. I've taken some pictures, and I'll write a better post this afternoon or evening.


  1. Glad all is well with you Patti. Life does have a way of distracting us all. Have any great recipies to share???


  2. Glad to hear everything is does manage to distract us...but that's a good thing. I say at least 3 times a week..."How did I work" I have not time! LOL!

  3. Glad you're okay, and glad you came back. Hope you have fun at your club meeting!

  4. the kids are getting so big
    I am happy for you that all is well with your DD and your back having your time with Joseph...
    and getting to visit the granddaughters too, your just keeping busy and enjoying retirement aren't you?

  5. Glad to have you back online. Congrats on your weight loss. I missed reading your blogs but I know what you mean about being that busy - time just flits by - great spring things - gardening and grandkids. Love your Mystery Quilt blocks :) I'd better get busy on July.

  6. Welcome back! I was nervous that your daughter wasnt doing well and that was why you werent writing.

    Love those grandbabies1

  7. Glad to hear that all is going well in your neck of the woods . . . . you've been on my mind *s*

  8. You have been on my nimd too. Glad everything is o. k. Love your little container garden. Things always taste better when you grow them yourself!!

  9. glad to hear again from you. I missed your post but I understand sometimes you don't want to spent so much time on your blog
    I love cooking and reading too .
