
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One thing leads to another

We had a Weber kettle years ago. Loved that barbecue! I even did a few Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys in it. When it wore out we replaced it with a gas grill. We bought a $199 "special" that I thought would be so much better than the Weber.

It wasn't. It cooked hot dogs and hamburgers OK, but I gave up on anything else. Cooking with indirect heat was a joke - things too close to the fire burned and things too far away weren't cooked. I gave up. We didn't use it at all the last two summers.

I missed cooking outside and eating wonderful barbecue. I told Fred last fall that I wanted a new grill this spring when our income tax refund arrived. We got a HUGE surprise when we learned that a considerably bigger refund was coming than we expected (hence the new things in the kitchen too).

I did my research at the library, online and at quite a few different stores. I was determined to get a good barbecue this time. And this is the result. I especially love the color! I'm very eager to give it a

One thing leads to another I guess. I borrowed the neighbor's power washer to clean the concrete slab out back that was supposed to be a patio. What a difference! The slippery moss that loves to grow on the covered north side of the house in our wet climate is gone. Once that was done the grill moved into place.

I decided to try growing herbs in pots this summer as I've started using fresh herbs a lot in my cooking. Figured I'd add strawberries and tomatoes while I was at it. The pots look so pretty all lined up in a row - tarragon, marjoram, flat leaf parsley, thyme, dill, rosemary, sage, mint and chives. I still need to get one more pot for mint - can't forget mint for summer drinks! The bigger pot in the corner holds a grape tomato plant, and the strawberries are in a hanging basket. I can hardly wait to start harvesting!

When I stood in the door and surveyed my handiwork I figured something was missing. We've never had room for a patio set, but I figured I could fit in a bistro table and chairs. So back to the stores I went - looking and looking for something that would work that didn't cost a fortune. I'm thrilled with the result. It's going to be so nice sitting out here for brunch or a casual dinner.

I have hanging baskets of shade loving fuchsias and impatiens. Since I don't do ladders they are waiting for Fred to hang this weekend. Now we are all set for summer!


  1. Lovely! Re-arranging parts of the home is one of my favourite things to do - your patio looks like a really usuable and comfy for sitting around on long summer afternoons space. I love fuschias in hanging baskets - this is the first time in years I haven't had one. My grandmother used to grow them when they atop a nearby mountain - perfect climate, damp and cool. Hope your barbeque works well!

  2. You make it sound like summer. I'm looking forward to 2 days of nice weather later this week. But rain is the weather now. I like the BBQ. You'll have a nice time on your patio and cooking this summer. We enjoy the same also.

  3. You have such a nice space out there. We have not grilled for years but part of that is we don't have a covered area and it is really hot on our deck in the afternoon. Enjoy!

  4. Your back porch/patio looks so lovely and inviting. I think you will have many hours of enjoyment out there. Now hang a hummingbird feeder and you are ready for the summer. LOL Winona

  5. I bet you will spend hours out there this summer! How lovely to sit and sip a drink and watch the bees buzz around your herbs.

  6. Looks like you've got a very cozy little summer spot *s*

  7. Where did you get that neat bistro set? I have been searching for one of those.

  8. Just a suggestion from someone who did it, if you have vinyl siding, do not put a good grill next to it. We melted some of our siding!

  9. Happy birthday! The little patio nook looks great - and all your container plants too!

    I've never tried herbs much - but will be watching your blog to see how they turn out. ;)

    I think I want to add peppers next year, something mild, like Banana peppers, maybe. Mint sounds good too. Are you a mint julep drinker? lol

  10. It looks very inviting...just in time for BBQ season :o)

  11. What a lovely ending to your bar-b-que project. Don't you love it when enthusiasm can take over and make such a successfulo project? 8-)

  12. Love how yo lined up those pots! Mint tea with honey is one of my all time favorites...I need to start some more seeds this week so I will have some available all summer.

  13. I'm your french reader . I like the way you put all your harbs pots.And I can see you handstiching applique on your patio
