
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weight loss update

Weigh in was this morning at Weight Watchers. I'd tracked very carefully this week - making sure I wrote down everything that went into my mouth even when I didn't want to, including the half dozen french fries I stole from Joseph when I took him out to lunch on Monday.

I chose to have a wild dinner last Thursday - including Baby Back Ribs, some fries and coleslaw, a Long Island Ice Tea for startes, and the bartender's signature "chocolate milk" in a martini glass for dessert. Completely yummy - but adding up to 47 points! I'm only allowed 20 per day! I had ten or twelve left of my daily allowance, so used all but about 3 of my extra 35 points I receive each week. It was worth every point, but it sure made it hard to stick to the plan the rest of the week when I had so few points. I did exercise to add some activity points, but by last night I didn't have a single point to spare.

The main thing is I tracked and paid attention - and I lost .6 of a pound. Not much, but still down some instead of gaining. I'm very pleased with that result!


  1. Congrats on your weight loss this week. I am a WW alum but had fallen way off the wagon. I went back to my old WW ways (that's when we counted calories, weighed and measured everything) and I've lost 50 pounds since October. Tried on some old summer clothes that I hadn't been able to get into in years and they fit! Whoo hoo!
    Good luck on your journey!
    Karen in NE Indiana

  2. Weight loss is weight loss, so well done you!

  3. Good for you. I'm also doing WW and some weeks I don't lose....but don't gain either.....tracking sure is the key. Keep it up.
